Chapter 3

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"YN, are you sure you don't want a ride? I'd feel better if you did." Sidney tried persuading you as you carried your bag over your shoulder in front of the school.

You sighed, "Sid, I don't want to put Tatum on the spot like that."

Sidney rolled her eyes in exasperation. "YN, you are not putting her on the spot! Tatum is like the best friend a girl could ever have. If there is a problem she will tell you."

You almost took the offer when someone cleared their throat behind you. You turned to see Randy standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. Sidney glared at him in full mom friend mode.

"Randy, if you start again about-"

He held up a hand. "I'm not. I just wanted to talk to YN...About..." He groaned and mumbled. "How much of an insensitive ass I am."

Tatum walked up to Sidney, hearing what Randy said. She smirked, "First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem."

He shot her an annoyed scowl as she wrapped an arm around Sidney. "YN, you want a ride?"

You looked surprised. "Really? Are you sure?"

She gave you a weird smirk. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

You bit your lip, "You seemed...Mad."

Tatum let out a laugh. "What? Why would I be mad?"

You mumbled. "Well...Stu-"

She rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Please. I was mad at Stu, not you. I'm not into blaming girls for my boyfriend being a dog."

You blinked before slowly smiling. She asked again, "So, you want a lift?"

You looked back at Randy who was standing there awkwardly. Truthfully, you'd rather ride with the girls but you felt bad for Randy after he swallowed his pride to try and make things right. You shook your head with a smile.

"No thanks. I think Randy wanted me to walk with him."

She made a face as Randy looked hopefully at you.

She said, "Alright, call us when you get home. If you don't get home by 6 then I know Meek was the killer and I have to tear his throat out."

Randy rolled his eyes, "I am not the killer and as if a girl could do that anyways."

You raised a brow. "Oh, so you don't like being accused of being a murderer either?"

He looked guilty, looking away and tensing his shoulders. You felt a bit bad and sighed with a smile before addressing the girls. "It's alright, I'll just let Randy walk me home. I think I can take him. if he tries something. "

Randy huffed at that comment as Tatum laughed. "Please, a child could." She gave Randy a look. I'm warning you, dork. Touch her and lose fingers." She pointed at him as she walked backwards with Sidney rolling her eyes with a smirk and walking ahead of her.

You waved goodbye to Tatum and Sidney as you and Randy went down Corwin street.

He shook his head. "God, she is such a-"

"Hey, that's my friend Randy."


The air was quiet before you passed another street and he finally blurted out. "Look, I'm really sorry. I suck at apologizing but I shouldn't have pointed fingers at you in front of everyone like that."

"Oh, so you should have accused me in private?"

"YN, cut me a break here."

You gave a light glare at him. "No. You accused me of murdering my boyfriend in front of our entire friend group. Even if James and I had a bad relationship towards the end, it was still wrong of you."

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