Chapter 7

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They helped you to the couch in your living room. Stu went to your downstairs bathroom to get supplies; having been there multiple times with Tatum. You or your family never imagined you were inviting a killer into your home.

Once alone, Billy gave you a serious look. Both of you soaked but sitting down on your couch regardless. It was the least of your worries right now.

"Where are the folks?"

"There are out. You know that." You muttered with a scowl. The idea that they followed your parents to you grandparents house made you sick to your stomach.

He huffed with raised brows, running a hand through his wet hair as water droplets dripped from the dark strands. "No shit, smart ass. I mean, when will they be back? Did they get another ride or is your pop's good with cars? Don't lie either...You're bad at it."

You almost told a white lie, going to say they would be back any moment. But you knew they had kept tabs on you already. Billy possibly already knew the answer and was testing you.

"They are...Probably not gonna be back for awhile. They called just a few minutes before..." You trailed off, looking away.

Billy looked pleased at that. "Perfect."

Stu returned with the medical supplies and towels. He tossed a towel to Billy. It almost hit him square in the face before he caught it mid air. He shot a warning look Stu's way.

Stu's lip tightened as he returned the glare.

Billy ruffled his hair as Stu offered you a towel.

"Here, you look like a drowned rat." He smiled at you as you lightly took the towel. Staring down at it a moment before dabbing your face.

Stu looked like he had already wiped down in the bathroom, his black cloak and gloves were tucked under his arm that he sat on the floor. He wasn't nearly as soaked as you and Billy were. Having only ran in the rain from the shed.

Billy stripped off his wet black cloak before peeling off his leather gloves. His eyes widened slightly as he looked around himself. "Shit...Our masks."

"Uh, the shed?" Stu offered.

Billy rolled his eyes, turning to walk away before stopping in his tracks. He turned back to Stu. "You go get them."

Stu scoffed. "Why do I have to?"

Billy folded his arms with a sneer. "Because I don't trust you alone with her not to let her go. Now, go get them. "

Stu hesitated, glancing at you before looking back at Billy. "...No."

"No?" Billy repeated. "Stu, go get the damn masks!"

"No, I don't trust you alone with her either. I might come back to her insides hanging out." He gave with an accusing glare.

He pointed to the back door to Stu. "Damn it, Stu! Just go get the masks. If I wanted to kill her, I would have done it by now."

They stared at each other. Stu's mouth twitched but he nodded.

"...Fine. I'll be right back." He glanced back at you before walking away. You watched him leave as Billy sat back down. You flinched as he sat near you. He saw it and turned his head to watch you intently.

"...You're scared."


He had no emotion on his face as he said. "Good. Because I'm letting you live. I could kill you at any moment. Don't forget that."

You looked over at him sadly. "Billy...Why are you doing this? And don't tell me to not ask questions...Please, I just want a reason."

He leaned back against the couch. Looking away from you and persing his lips in thought.

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