Chapter 13

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Sidney staggered back, not shutting the door all the way as ghostface jammed his hand inside to unlock it. You watched Sidney crawl out of a small hole as you yelled after her.

"Sidney, wait!" As you slammed the door hard on Stu's hand. You heard him groan in pain and jerk it away. He held his hand a moment before slamming the his hand against the van window that was reinforced with cage. You stared at him through the mask unable to see his face before your eyes darted to Sidney running in the yard. You glanced back to see he was gone.

"STU!...Stu?!" You yelled from inside the van as she ran out of sight. You released a frustrated growl as you jammed the van door back open, glancing around yourself before releasing a scream as a hand reached for you. You slipped in blood out of his grasp before sprinting for it. You had no idea where Sidney ran to and at this point your own survival instincts were too high to care.

You ran away onto the property, looking behind yourself and frantically trying to get away.

'If Stu killed Billy then how can I be safe? He's fucking lost it!'

You released a scream as you ran into someone, hitting them repeatedly.

"Ow! Ow! Stop!"

"...Randy?" You stopped hitting him as you both stood in the yard in front of the garage. You shakily ran a hand over your head as Randy's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. "Oh my fucking christ...." He mouthed. His eyes falling on Tatum hanging.

You tried not to look but you stole a glance out of instinct, jerking your head away and grabbing him by the shoulders. "Oh my fucking god! Holy shit! Holy shit!" His voice rose a few octaves as you shook him.

"Randy! We have to find Sidney and get out of here."

He continued hyperventilating until you shook him a bit harder.

"Randy, listen to me. It's Stu. He's the killer that's still alive."

"WHAT?! W-What the hell do you mean alive??"

"It's a long story-"

"Then shorten it!" He exclaimed, terror in his eyes.

You licked your lips and without missing a beat. "Dewey was here tonight because I told him to be here to catch the killers. They threatened me last night and I had no choice but to go along with it a-a-and I wanted to tell you on the ride but I couldn't and I have been trying to get Sidney to go home because she is the main target and they lied about Tatum and I'm so sorry I-" You caught your breath as you rambled and Randy stared at you with raised brows.

"Yes?! Get on with it, woman!"

"...Stu and Billy are the killers. He stabbed Billy and went rouge. They tried threatening me to help them but I've been doing nothing but trying to stop this shit. We have to get the fuck out of here!"

Randy and you heard a man's pain filled yell coming from the house. Dewey.

He stared. "...It might be too late."

"We are not leaving Sid!"

"No shit but what if she's dead?!"

You relinquished your hands from him. "I wouldn't have went through this had I wanted to leave her for dead. She crawled out of Gale's van and I don't know where she is but I'm as good as dead now that Stu knows I'm against him..."

You stared at Randy for a long moment as your wheels turned in your head. "...WHAT?"

"Randy...I need you to trust me, okay? I'm going to do something crazy but I need you to trust me. If you let me do this, we can go home alive." You mumbled.

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