Chapter 14

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You stared in horror. Sidney's blood and a few marks on you, sweat dripping off you and your hair, clothes a mess from fighting and running for your life all night. The bloody knife, still tinted with Randy's blood trembled in your hand as both you and Sidney dived down to Randy.

"Randy!" You cried out as he groaned, a bullet in him as blood seeped out on the hardwood floor. Sidney cried, clutching his arm before standing up in dissaray at what she just saw. You on the otherhand looked at Billy with dread. Knowing you were truly and utterly fucked.

He had a wicked grin, the same one you saw last night. Fake blood all over him and stratching his head with the gun like he didn't care if it went off. "Anthony Perkins 'Psycho." He informed you both.

He then moaned, just like in the closet with you as he sucked his finger. Eyes never leaving you. "Mm...Corn Syrup. Same stuff they used as pig's blood in Carrie...Remember, YN? You almost ruined the surprise."

You swallowed hard, still kneeling on the ground as Randy released another pained groan. You went to help Randy up and he pointed the gun at you, tsking.

"Ah, ah! Noooo."

You shakily stood back up as you stared at the barrel. Stepping away from Randy as Billy released an air of laughter, amusement in his eyes. "Maybe he could have dodged it if you wouldn't have stabbed him in the leg? Or maybe you could have just killed him quickly and put him out of his misery."

You blinked repeatedly, voice quivering as you asked. "H-How did?-"

Your face dropped as he pulled out a walky talky from his waistband. You backed all the way up.

He smiled at that. "Stu told me you were bullshitting him. We knew you wouldn't get far."

Sidney stared at you and went to run before colliding with Stu. She cried for him to help you both before he grinned down at her with the voice modulator. "Surprise Sidney." He looked over at you with a mocking grin. "Hi, sweetcheeks. If you're gonna stab your way out of a situation. Aim for the gut."

He lowered the modular as Sidney stared up at him, shaking her head and sucking a shaky breath. Stu chuckled to you with manic glee, tilting his head with raised brows. " I'm not that dumb, YN."

You trembled on the spot, knowing there was no way to get out of this.

Billy smirked. "Don't be hasty, Stu...Her fingerprints and Randy's blood are all over that knife. Can't disprove her involvement now."

You stared at your knife but continued to grip it firmly. Sidney looked between all of you before trying to run once again with Stu blocking her. Billy aimed the gun at your head. "Drop it."

You had no choice, letting it drop near Randy as he laid completely still on the ground. Your heart sank at the thought that he was gone. Billy then shoved you into Stu and intercepted Sidney at the kitchen. Stu had a hold of you, forcing you near the counter.

Billy laughed as Sidney tried to escape and he cornered you both in the kitchen. "I told you you had shitty friends, YN. How many times has she tried running away and leaving you tonight for the killers to maim?" He raised his brows at you with a sideways smirk."Twice?"

Sidney jerked her head to you momentarily and shook it. "N-No I didn't-" She looked back at him as Billy held the gun to her chest and she backed up. You had no choice but to watch from the counter, eyes already darting for a weapon. Both of your exits closed off.

Stu tossed the modulator to Billy who took it to taunt Sidney. "What's the matter Sidney, you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Sidney ran towards you, stumbling and choking back a sob as she gripped you. You held her back as both your backs hit the counters edge and both killers cornered you.

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