Chapter 12

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You tried fighting your captor when they shoved you against the closet wall, crashing their lips to yours. It was deep, rough, passionate. Your eyes were wide until you felt the guaze on his cheek over his cut. You relaxed, you shouldn't have but you did. Your lips were pressed firmly against a killer and yet you melted. He shoved your hands above your head. The cool leather rubbing your wrist. Moaning as he pressed between your legs. Your breath faded into a long sigh as he rolled his tongue over your lips. You opened, both of your tongues swirling against each other as you felt his excitement through his jeans and the thin fabric of the costume. He rolled his hips against you and you moaned; nipping his lip as he groaned low in his throat.

Suddenly, you were slowly coming back to reality. The costume was wet. It smelled like beer and there was something wet on your wrist from his gloves. He was sweating, you could feel it on his cheek.

"Mm, YN. I've been dying to do that for months...You don't even begin to know how much I wanted this." He whispered in a husky tone, pulling away as you both caught your breath.

"Billy...What are you doing?" You mumbled back, catching your breath in between words.

"Making out with you. Trying to at least." He gave, biting and kissing at your neck. Your stomach flipped and you subconsciously spread your legs as his body pressed you against the wall.

Your breath hitched. "I... I mean...What are you doing it for? Why right now?" Your eyes closed as he sucked at the side of your neck.

He pulled away, his nose touching your own in the dark as he still held your wrist above your head. "Because I got a little excited and I needed you. Badly."

He reached up to lift your clothes and you stopped him. Putting your hands on his. "Billy, no. Why are you in the costume? You actually think no one will notice at this party?"

He rolled his head with a huff of laughter and pushed himself away from the wall and you. "Are you that eager to strip me?"

"Billy. Be serious." You softly told him.

He took off the cloak and tossed it over in the corner where you guessed his mask was too. "No shit, of course not. That's why I'm waiting in a dark closet to kiss you. Was it good?"

You touched your lips, a smile lifting at the corner against your will. "...Yes." You shook your head to focus. " Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" You could hear the smugness in his voice.

"You know what I mean. Stop side stepping my question."

He grabbed your hand, the gloves gone. His finger interlacing with ypur own. "YN. If it wasn't for time, I would be with you. Right here, right now... Just know that when I'm inside her..." He leaned forward, his breath warm on your ear. "You're the only thing that's gonna keep me in and the only thought that's going to get me there."

You swallowed hard, face hot as he released another chuckle and caressed your cheek. He pecked your lips once more, softer this time even if his excitement was still obvious when he pressed against you.

"Billy..." You sighed as he stepped away and opened the closet door to allow some lighting.

"It's all going to be over soon. Keep doing your part and we can all move on together." He shoved his hands in his pockets and started walking. You blinked, still reeling from what had just happened before rushing after him.

"My part?...Hey! What the hell? You jerk me in a closet, do that, and then just walk away?!"

He walked through the empty kitchen and out to the garage door. You hesitated at the counter before shaking your head with an irritated groan and running after him the best your still sore foot would allow.

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