Chapter 8

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"Fuck! You called the damn police?! Why would you do that YN?!" Stu hissed as he tried finding his mask.

"Uh, cause you both were trying to kill me!" You hissed back.

Billy growled in your ear. "Now, we're gonna do it for real."

Stu eyed the back door but saw a flashlight beam in the backyard through the rain. He gripped his hair. "Sshhiittt!"

"Shut the fuck up and chill out! Let me think!"

You finally spoke up, aware of the knife at your throat. "Listen. There are cops in the front and back yard. Let me steer them away by talking to them."

Billy glared at you, not trusting you one bit. "No."

Stu gave him an outraged, panicked glare. "Damn it, man. Let YN do it! We don't exactly have a lot of options here."

He mulled over the decision before releasing a growl in his throat and lowering the knife slightly as they knocked again.

"Fine! Try anything and I will kill your family, your cat, your friends. I will fuck you up before they will ever catch us." Billy hissed in your ear before shoving you away.

You steadied yourself and limped to the door as Billy held the knife to your back. He hid behind the door, the knife to your side as he eyed you. Stu rushed to a nearby room, his own knife in hand.

You opened the door to see Tatum's older brother. Billy laid flat against the wall where he couldn't be seen behind the door. But if Dewey stepped inside; someone was getting killed.

"YN, are you alright? We got a call from the house that was cut off and then neighbors called us to say they heard crashing and screaming."

You blanked for a moment.

On one hand, you could tell a guy with a gun and get them while they were in the house. Two officers and you vs. two crazies.

On the other hand, you had a feeling they were smarter than that. They probably had a gun as well. Billy pulled out his knife like it was nothing. They both went through hell and still walked away like it was nothing. By the sound of it all, they were good. They had been killing for a while. They took down your 6'5 boyfriend as well as Casey and her boyfriend like it was nothing. If you told....They would escape and you would be signing you and your family's death wish.

You saw Billy glare at you from the corner of your eye. The knife barely touched your back in warning.

"Um...Sorry. I had the glass door break on me during the storm and panicked." Your voice shook and you forced it to be as composed as possible.

Dewey raised a brow. "Your foot?"

You looked down at the now bloody bandage. "Cut it trying to shut the door before the rain poured in. It didn't work and I cut myself on the glass. "

Dewey gave a distracted nod, looking past you into the house. "Uh huh...Where are your parents?"

"My grandparents."

"While these murders are happening and the calls?"

You shrugged. "Yeah, it was supposed to be a quick visit and they called me to say they had car trouble."

You tried to resist the urge to dart your eyes towards Billy as Dewey spoke.

"You're all alone?"

"Yep. I'm fine though, really."

Dewey looked concerned as he said, "I'm going to need to take a look inside."

You quickly put an arm in the doorframe. "Why would you need to? The place is a mess." You nervously chuckled, trying so hard to remain calm while your shaky hands betrayed you. You simply closed your fist, hoping he wouldn't see.

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