Chapter 9

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You stared in shock.

"...WHAT? Why her?!" You exclaimed, your voice rising as your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "I understand if you're lying to her and this is all fake or whatever but why kill her? She didn't do anything to anyone!"

Billy glared back at you, frowning deeply. "Didn't do anything? The Prescott's did EVERYTHING to me!" He snapped enough to make you take a step back.

He listed on his fingers as he ranted. "Her mother split my family apart by fuckin my dad. I haven't seen my mom in a year because of her!"

You still protested. "Billy, that has nothing to do with Sid-"

"It has everything to fuckin' do with Sidney!" He interrupted you as you felt yourself easing towards Stu.

Billy's temper flared as he continued. Ranting to you about this for the first time. You asked so many other times and he refused to say...Now? It was all coming out.

"Every time I see her; all I see is that whore that broke my mother's heart. She looks just like her. Everytime I brought up my mom, all I hear is her mom and how sad she is and blah fuckin blah. She NEVER offered the sympathy she should have for my broken family. Not even once! Everything I liked was never good enough for her. Every act of kindness just wasn't enough to mend her broken heart...What about mine?"

You stared at him, teeth clenched as it was shoved out of your mouth. "...Billy....YOU are the reason for her broken heart and mom's death."

His temper shrank as he just stared coldly at you. Giving you a very simple reply. "Well... That's just Even Steven, isn't it? After what Maureen did...There is no going back."

"So, break up with her like a normal person! Are you seriously doing all of this just because Sidney is Maureen's daughter?! "

You gasped softly as you felt Stu grab your shoulders to hold you in place as Billy drew out his knife.

Your breath hitched. "Stu?..."

"Hush. Ya really need to listen right now. It's a drag that you're bombing your initiation like this. " He mumbled in disappointment as Billy came towards you.

"...I don't think-" He drew out, twirling his knife on his finger tips as he looked at you. "That you really are in this if you have to question our plan this much. That fear you felt earlier? You better keep it. Because if not, you're going to get yourself killed."

You closed your eyes as he came towards you. They were no longer your friends you spent all Summer with. They were two deranged young men with some sick obsession with you. Their only greater obsession was killing. They could kill you just as easily as protect you.

You felt Stu's finger drum against your shoulder as you rolled your lips and opened your eyes. Billy holding the knife within arms reach of your body.

"Look, I'm trying...I-" You hesitated, taking in a breath before continuing. "I just want to understand the reason why. You got your revenge. You killed Mrs. Prescott. You framed Cotton Weary. So, why? Why are you both risking so much an entire year later?"

Billy stared at you. Something in his eyes you just couldn't read. You tilted his head back and studied you.

"My revenge isn't done...Sidney doesn't get to go live a happy life and move on when I can't. This is for her barely giving me any sympathy or even asking about my mother before I even killed Maureen. This is for all the bullshit I had to take with a smile on my face for her....This...This is for the injustice. She got to keep the happy Dad and the friends and the fucking normalcy of being a teen and a boyfriend that was always there for her! Meanwhile, I had to go home alone to a dad that was barely there and an empty house and NO ONE was there for me." His eyes were wide and pupils dilated, making his dark eyes even darker.

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