This is not a drill. I repeat. This is NOT a drill... lol I thought you all might wanna get to kno me better. HAHA :D ;)
Bubble Gum Princess
Some people call me crazy
Some people call me weird
But let me tell you this
At least I dont have a beard.
I love having fun
Being random's what I enjoy
I know lots of people
And my best friend is a boy
I love writing poems
And singing is my passion
I dont care bout how I look
Or whats the current fashion
I wont ever do drugs
Use tabacco, smoke, or drink
I dont wanna fry my brain
I do enjoy to think
I kno self-defence
Its MY form of "protection" ( ;) )
If we get into a fight
Look the other direction
I guess tahts who I am
I'm the bubble gum princess
But I ccarry a dagger
And I NEVER wear a dress.
Now u all are a little bit more edumacated.
(yes that is a word)
<3 Sam