Paige, this one is for you! <3 you!
Random Kingdom!!!
Sometimes a broken heart
Hurts more than a broken bone
Sometimes you find yourself
In a different zone
But let me tell you something
Chocolate sure tastes good
You should go and eat some
Yes, you really should
Have you ever dreamed
you can breath under water?
While you under there,
Do you talk to Lilly Potter?
OMG I just saw a bird
Fly past my bedroom window
ohhh, crap!
What rhymes with window...?
I really like to draw
And see my friends smile
So, gosh dangit, boy!
Pick up that phone and dial.
I'm really not sure why
I chew spearmint gum
But I think I've got a little
Paige, would you like some?
I know this poem is random
Yes, I really try
Its a whole lot more fun than
Sitting alone to cry.
Hey, can you put your foot
Right behind your head?
I can do it on the floor
Sitting next to my bed! :D
I like random words
Chapstick and hot pink farries
Bubblegum, and tree huggers
Orenges, blue berries
I really love to watch
Animated movies
Wow I'm really stupid
What can rhyme with movies.....?
What if I knew Shrek?
Or grew up with Cinderella?
What if I were a princess,
And my real name were Bella?
I hope this made you smile
It was fun to write.
As a closing note-
Please, don't give up the fight.
There you go girly! I spent half the night writing you a crazy poem. I really hope that it made you smile!!!! <3 YOU!
looooovvvveee SAM!
ps to everybody that thinks that im on drugs, YOUR WRONG! who need drugs when you've got imaginary friends on Wattpad AND my life is pretty awesome, SO I DONT NEED DRUGS! IM HIGH ON LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya'll!