Pilot 1

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Summer had finally begun. Which meant that we could do whatever we want, whenever we want. No rules or judgemental teachers around to tell us what we're doing wrong. Just me, my three best friends and my overly protective brother John B. After probably the shittiest nine months, I think we just need to sit back and enjoy this summer.

So that's what we did. We started our so-called "unforgettable" summer the best way we could think of... loathing what we don't have. Believe me, I love being a Pogue with all my heart, but sometimes we all dream of a different life. We sat there for what felt like hours drinking lukewarm beer on one of the new houses being built on the outskirts of figure 8.

It was around 6 pm and I was lying on the scaffolding with my head in a book and earphones in, trying to muffle the sound of the boys talking about John B falling to his death. JJ was next to me, hanging his legs off the side of the platform staring up at my brother.

JJ had grown up so much in the past couple of months. His personality, on the other hand not so much. He was taller, and more masculine compared to last summer. But he was still his goofy self through and through. He's been letting his hair grow out recently, so with all the sun and salt water, he's looking like an Australian surfer boy. Ever since this random puberty struck, he's gained such a big head from all the lady attention. Compliment that boy, and you'll never hear the end of it.

I had grown since last summer too. I learned that having my hair in a high ponytail every day wasn't doing me any favours. Jokes aside, the transition from being 15 to now 16 has hit me like a brick wall. Recently boys have started to pay attention to me, but I never really give them much thought. It's not because I'm against being in a relationship or anything like that, I'm just stupid enough to fall for the biggest fuck boy the cut has ever seen.

Not that I've even been able to think about boys recently. Between trying to keep my brother above water, getting myself eligible for a scholarship and working whenever possible, I'm flat-out exhausted. I've been working towards a scholarship for years now. Pogue or not, I was getting off this goddamn cut one day.

Pope has the same mindset. He's never been much of a physical labour kind of guy, prefers analyzing and problem-solving. Naturally doesn't fit the typical lower-class regime. I'm thankful John B and I aren't twins, otherwise, I would've had to compete with Pope in the race for valedictorian.


"That's what a three-story fall to the deck?" Pope exclaimed, "I give you bout a one in three chance of survival."

John B stuffed his finger in his mouth to check the wind direction and replied, "Should I do it?"

I pulled my head out of the book and looked up at the idiot, "Yeah, uh, don't jump unless you like the idea of a wheelchair." I added as Pope was encouraging him.

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie asked sarcastically.

This was an everyday thing. The boys get themselves into stupid situations: Kie and I remind them repeatedly that it's a stupid idea and they continue to ignore us. It's pretty much routine now. I'd never admit it, of course, but it's pretty entertaining. John B was doing it a little bit too often, though. Ever since dads disappearance, he's started acting way more reckless.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ groaned.

John B lost his footing slightly, causing him to drop the beer. We all turned to see if he had actually fallen off the roof and broken his legs or something. To my surprise, he hadn't. There he was, standing on the roof staring down at his last drink, practically crying over it.

"Of course you did. like right when I told you not to," JJ uttered. I continued, "you're an absolute Idiot John B." we both laughed as JB groaned.

I had gotten down to grab the last beer from the cooler, as Pope noticed that security had arrived. They always ruin all our fun.

"Let's go, boys," Kie yelled. Quickly, I ran to grab my stuff off the scaffolding

We ran around like a bunch of headless chickens trying to get away. At the bottom of the stairs, JJ and I missed the memo and went left towards the way out, which led us straight into the guards. We soon figured out our mistake and tried to run the other way. I had to stop myself from breaking out in laughter when JJ slipped over trying to turn around.

JJ was following behind me towards the other side of the house as he nearly managed to get himself in a bear hug with one of the security guards "Not much of a hugger man." He screeched at the dude still sprinting for his life.

I'm not one hundred per cent sure how we got away, but we did. After having to watch Pope throw himself over the fence, we ran to the van laughing our heads off. John B was driving with Kie in the passenger seat.

"Lou give me that last beer," JJ said, well hanging out the sliding door of the van.

"Fine, but you owe me another one," I replied.

JJ had a grin from ear to ear and said, "Deal, now pass it."

Gary was trailing behind us, trying to keep up with the van. The poor guy doesn't get paid enough for having to deal with this shit every week.

JJ decided to throw the last beer at the poor old man. Gary didn't catch it, and the beer split open on the road. JJ owed me another one.

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now