Enough 7

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You'd think being arrested would knock some sense into John B, but in his world, it's just another person keeping him from the truth. Some Scooby doo shit if you ask me. The drive home from the station was far from peaceful - screaming at the top of our lungs and nearly crashing into a tree. He huffed and slammed the van door after I told him I was leaving. "John B, you seriously need to pull your head in," I yelled as we entered the chateau. I was marching around the house, filling my backpack with the necessities to hold me over when JB grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen. 

"Oh. Shut up, Lucy. I'm so tired of this self-righteous shit." He scoffed in return, stormed past me to the bathroom and stuffed my toiletries into the bag. He was adamant I took everything. I quickly realised what he was doing as I headed outside to the boat shack. 

I stopped midway to the backdoor well he darted around the living room, "I'm not being self-righteous, you asshole. I just want you to not  fuck up our lives." I stepped towards him now. He was scanning the underside of the couch for my things. "Why do you always have to do that?" I questioned sharply, standing over him.

"Do what exactly?" He stood up. The change in his height reminded me of our uneven playing field. He was the older brother. The protector. The decision maker. The powerholder. 

"Deflect your issues onto other people," I stared directly into his eyes, pleading with his soul. "You got yourself arrested, you broke into a hotel room. For fuck sake John B, we were shot at! I'm not being unrealistic by asking you to pull it in." 

Without any hesitation, he slapped me. Hard. Straight across the face. The force was so definite that my cheekbone immediately swelled. I stood below him again, this time I was small. I was five years old again, after dad told me I shouldn't try to follow JB up the big tree and I inevitably fell. He was looking down at me, belittling me with his big brotherness. The tears were as rabid now as they were then. I was choking on them. 

John B walked away before I processed what had happened. He didn't console, he didn't care. He just walked away. I just stood there as my skin cooled and my breathing slowed. After dropping the trash bag of my belongings on the floor he walked out of the house and drove away. I wondered for a moment where he would be going, who he would turn to or what he would use to escape again. That moment was short-lived. I soon came to realise that he was no longer the brother I loved and cared for. That person was a distant memory now. 

I called Kie and asked if she could pick me up before collecting every last thing I deemed mine from that house. I started in the kitchen, taking the food I had brought, then made my way to his bedroom and took back the books he had 'borrowed'. Finally, after half an hour, Kie arrived as I made my way from the boat shack. With my hands full of fishing supplies, she walked over hesitantly. 

"Lucy what's happened." She spoke softly as I dropped everything and opened my arms for a hug. 

"I really fucking hate this place." I replied in a sob. She pulled me into a desperate hug and let me cry into her shoulder. Kie held me close as I sobbed, her comforting presence a welcome relief from the chaos that had consumed my life lately. I clung to her, feeling her warmth and support, and for a moment, the world faded into insignificance. 

She didn't press for details, she just held me until the tears subsided and I could speak again.

"Lucy, you know you can always count on me, right?" Her voice full of empathy.

I nodded, wiping away the tears with the back of my hand. "I don't know what's gotten into John B. He's not himself anymore. He's reckless, self-destructive... It's like he's a completely different person." I scoffed and sobbed. 

Kie gently pulled away and looked into my eyes, her expression filled with concern. "Let's get you a shower and a warm bed to sleep in, we can deal with John B tomorrow." I replied with a pathetic smile and picked up my things. 


The drive to Kie's house was quiet and peaceful. We didn't talk, just listened to the ocean wind and the chatter of birds. I couldn't help but imagine if I had been born into the life she had. The opportunities I could have handed to me and the comfort of money. My dad would have never been chasing the Royal Merchant if he already had gold. John B would be preparing for collage rather than working odd jobs to pay bills. I could have a boyfriend like Topper and go on holidays with him. 

God I wish I was rich. 

As we pulled into Kie's driveway. I had the same reaction I always do, a big sigh of relief escaped my lips and my eyes scanned the windows. Looking for her parents, whom stood there with warm faces of welcome. 

I stepped through the front door to Anna, Kie's mum, opened armed. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek half heartedly well wrapping my arms around her. Kie's dad, Mike, patted me on the back with fatherly reassurance. 

"Lucy, I am so glad you're here." Anna said as we pulled away. "You know you're always welcome." 

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it Ann" I replied "Mikey, please tell me you watched the lakers game yesterday. I need to know who won." 

He laughed, "Sorry to say but the Celtics came out on top, yet again." His grin filled with pride and turned me to the living room. "Better luck next year." He whispered.

A chuckle escaped my lips as we walked our way through the house. 

"Okay enough sport talk, Lu you desperately need a shower." Kie spoke. 

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now