Rebel 5

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"So uh. Where do you want to go?" I questioned as we made our way through the house.

He replied quickly, already knowing his answer, "How about the beach?" His arm lifted as he gestured for me to lead the way. 

"Sounds good," I spoke with the fake confidence that the alcohol had blessed me with. 

He trailed behind me closely as we made our way to the waterfront. I felt him watching my every move while we walked in silence. The beach was still. Waves lapped quietly below but the water barely showed a ripple. 

"You like the moon?" Rafe asked, I looked up at him to see his eyes locked onto the sky. "I've always had this fascination with the sky. Kind of an unhealthy obsession." He continued, "Mainly the constellations," 

"Me too," I replied, still looking at him rather than the object of our conversation. "Draco is my favorite." 

He didn't look at me as I spoke, then a sudden smile covered his face. "You know the story then?" He finally looked at me, "How Zeus escaped his father by riding the serpent" I smiled and nodded slightly, He turned again. "We share something in common Routledge," 

"Never thought that'd be possible." I laughed and continued walking down to the water's edge. He followed silently behind me. 

"You know what, I think we have more in common than you think." He broke the silence yet again. "Black sheep of the family?" I nodded in agreeance, "How about school, I bet you're a top student." I turned to him.

"Aren't you a high school dropout?" I teased, he looked confused and almost hurt.

"Actually no, I graduated early and enrolled in the fall at Harvard."He smiled, I was about to apologize for assuming then he started laughing, "Just fucking with you, I didn't agree well with teachers but got my diploma online. Going to college in the fall wasn't a lie though." 

"You're a twat." I laughed, "I agree about the not getting along with teachers thing. Mrs Collins pisses me off so much. She's my economics teacher and I swear that women has dementia." 

"Oh good old Mrs Collins, she used to work at Edge Water. I hated her too." He laughed "Hey can we sit?" He walked towards the grassy bank and sat down. 

I followed his lead and sat beside him. "You know, I was told you wouldn't be around tonight. That was Sarah's bargaining chip." I giggled, it was true. I wouldn't have agreed to come if I'd known he'd be there. 

"Oh and how's the surprise guest been treating you?" He smiled, "Actually don't answer that." He stopped and looked at the sky again before continuing, "I like having you on my side of the island. Been waiting for that opportunity for a while. Well, I mean to actually get to know you. Not- Sorry that came out wrong." 

"I think I get what you're trying to say." I laughed at his nerves, I always imagined him to be such a macho man. "It's okay if you mean it in the other way too, though." 

"Did you just attempt to flirt with me, Routledge?" He locked eyes with me. "You know you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. That green is-" I cut him off mid-sentence by gently kissing him. That gentle kiss quickly turned into much more. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My legs wrapped around him as he placed me on his lap and his hands found their way to the tie on the back of my dress. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard a voice yell from behind me. I quickly stood up and turned around to see nonother than JJ fucking Maybank standing at the edge of the water. 

"JJ? What are you doing here? Why the fuck?" I was so confused and embarrassed. Before I could say anything else JJ had sprinted over to us and lunged at Rafe. 

He had pinned Rafe down, punching him repeatedly. I didn't even think before getting in the middle of it, grabbing JJ's arm and trying to pull him off. Rafe took this opportunity to slam JJ into the ground and hold him there, I got knocked flat on my back as he did this. "Don't you fucking try with me Pogue." I was lying on the ground a few feet from them as they continued fighting when John B showed up with Kie and Pope.

"Lucy, what the fuck are you doing here?" Kie questioned as she ran over to help me. John B didn't even acknowledge me before jumping on top of Rafe and forcing his head into the sand. 

"Stop it. FUCKING STOP!" I was screaming at them. I shoved John B over and locked eyes with him. "Go the fuck home and leave me alone!" I yelled. JJ stood up and grabbed me.

"Yes, we're going home." He said very angrily, "All of us."  I struggled out of his grip and ran to Rafe. He was a bit beaten up, a clean slit down his lip was pouring blood. 

"I'm so sorry Rafe." I was so angry I didn't care that John B was staring at me. 

"I'm all good Lucy. Don't worry." He spoke with a cool voice and stood up swiftly. "Let's go back to the others." He started walking back to the house and pulled me under his arm. I walked with him for all of two seconds before Pope cut in.

"Lucy we're going home, your coming with. No question." I'd never heard Pope angry like this. 

"Let me just get my stuff okay?" I said quietly to him before continuing to walk back to the house.

JJ yelled at the top of his lungs "You fucking pedophile." That seriously pissed Rafe off. He turned quickly to face him. JJ was right in front of him. I was not about to let another punch-up happen so I stood between the two of them.

"That's enough! just fucking grow up and walk away JJ." I was fuming 

"No Lucy, I'm not about to walk away after watching you make out with this kook." He scoffed, "What are you fucking doing? Messing around with rich kids now, we're not good enough for you huh? Is that it?" 

"Just let me get my stuff and I'll come with you okay? This doesn't need to be any more of a scene than it already is." I turned and tried to push Rafe towards the house but he wasn't moving. 

"She can choose where and when she wants to go thank you." He wasn't looking at me, his eyes were locked on JJ and the three others behind him. John B was holding JJ back from lunging himself at Rafe and Kie was screaming at me to hurry up and leave. 

"Now what is going on here?" Topper's voice pierced the air. "You good Rafe?" He made his way over to us. 

"These fucking Pogues don't know when they're not welcome." He replied. 

"Yeah well, you kooks like hooking up with girls two years younger than you so." JJ snapped back. Topper lunged at JJ but Rafe grabbed him quickly

"Fuck up." Rafe snapped at JJ, "Topper where's my sister? She needs to help her friend find her shit." He turned Topper away and started walking back to the house, leaving me behind this time. 

"You have so much explaining to do," Kie stated as we walked back up the beach.

"Yeah well, so do you," I replied. 

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now