Enough 2

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"Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me." Kiara laughed as I began to wake up.

"Here have some water, must've been from dehydration and stress," Pope said in a concerned voice as he handed me his water bottle. "Don't stand up, you'll probably faint again." He laughed.

"I'll take you inside." JJ lifted me into his arms without hesitation and began walking towards the house.

"I hate you," I said under my breath so no one except JJ could hear.

"I know." He smiled.

He carried me inside with Kie, Pope and John B not far behind us. The light was fading in the sky so it was dark in the chateau making my vision worse for wear. I sat down on the couch still sipping on the water Pope had given me when JJ sat next to me. The others had decided to sit by the fire pit, probably so JJ and I could sort our shit out.

I turned to face him. The light from the camping lantern was illuminating his face. He looked sad and as if he was about to cry. "JJ I'm-" I began. I stopped myself, I had nothing to be sorry for. Yes I did go to far but he was the one who needed to apologise. I needed to stand my ground.

"Goodnight." I eventually said as I got up to walk to my bedroom. He didn't move, not even a blink.


*2:39 am* I read off my phone. I hadn't slept at all, my mind was racing from all the crazy shit that had happened only hours prior. I grabbed my torch, put on some warm clothes, and my white converses to get out of the jail cell my room had turned into.

John B was snoring on the couch and JJ was in his room with the door wide open. My guess is JB fell asleep there because no way he would've let JJ steal his bed. I tiptoed past the both of them and out the back door.

I decided to walk down to the dock since it wasn't the smartest idea to go wandering around the outer banks with kooks on the loose just waiting for the opportunity to get one of us alone.

I stopped next to Jax's grave, Kie had put flowers around the rock pile John B and JJ had made as a headstone. His collar sitting on top with his nameplate resting on the rock, glistening in the moonlight.

I sat down and began to cry all over again.

"I'm sorry Jaxi boy... I'm so incredibly sorry." I sobbed "I love you so much."

I grabbed his collar and held it close to my chest. I had truly lost another part of my dad, as well as my best friend who'd always protected me and gave me a sense of purpose. He gave me a reason to get up in the morning, he needed me and I needed him.

Jax had been there throughout so many breakdowns I had after Dad disappeared. John B was there too but I couldn't burden him with my problems considering he had lost him too. I had felt so alone but He was always there with slobbery kisses to make me laugh, even when I didn't think it was possible. I wished I could just hug him one last time and tell him how good of a dog he was.


I sighed and placed his collar back on the stone.

As I began to stand up a voice behind me spoke softly. "Lou,"

I turned around to see JJ standing limply a few feet behind me.

"Please go away," I said as I turned and stood up "You're the last person I want to talk to right now."

As I walked towards the dock I felt his hand grab my arm gently to stop me. Suddenly his arms were around my shoulders, hugging me tightly.

"No talking," he whispered.

I melted silently into his chest. JJ was, regardless of his actions in the past few hours, one of the very few people I loved in the world.

After a few moments, I pulled away and led us down to the dock. We walked in complete silence until we reached the end of the decking. I sat down and just aimlessly stared into the moonlit water, not worried about JJ at all.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked with a sense of embarrassment.

"I couldn't sleep and I saw you walk past my room, so I came to check you weren't doing something stupid." He mumbled. "I can leave. if you want?" He turned his head towards me.

I looked up at him, not saying a word.

"I'm sorry for how I acted today, I really am..." He paused for a second as if he was looking for a kind way to say the next sentence. "But if we hadn't looked in Scooter's boat we never would've found your Dad's compass and that could mean something for you and JB." He finally said.

"I'm sorry about how I acted. I was upset and needed to blame someone... but that's not the only reason I snapped." I paused for a moment as the anger found its way back into my throat. "Can you tell me the truth JJ?" I added with an obvious edge as I spoke.

"I love you Lucy." He spoke softly, "But I can't."

I turned to him in disbelief.

"You love me huh?" I laugh. "The boy with wondering eyes that doesn't seem to care much about me at all. Right I definitely believe that." I giggle to myself, shocked by his audacity. I stood up as he turned to me in shock. "What did you think would happen? I'd let you walk all over me today and not say anything about it. I kissed you JJ and I know that might not mean much to you but it means a shit tonne to me. Fuck you!" I yelled.

"Fuck you too!" He yelled back "I'm not some prince charming Lucy, I'm not gonna come carry you away to some magical place. I'm a piece of lower-class shit, why can't you just accept that?"

"I'm sorry for thinking you could change, but I really thought you would." I cried "That's it then. I really hope you enjoy fucking Kie or some other chick that you manage to put under your spell."

I turned and walked away. He stayed sitting at the edge of the dock, frozen.

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now