Pilot 10

190 1 1

-Blood warning-

JJ was still going on and on about his 'brilliant' plan as I opened the back door. He completely ignored the fact that this was a chance for me to be safe in my home, with Jax and John B. With all the memories of my Dad. He'd rather find some stupid money or whatever's on that boat than have me and John B safe.

I walked into my room, closed my door with a thud behind me and sat down at my desk. My summer reading book was sitting under a half-drunk beer and a pile of blunt butts in a shell ashtray.

I grabbed the book (Of Mice and Men) and put my earphones in, in an attempt to drown out my thoughts of murdering JB and JJ A) for considering putting us in danger of being sent away and B) for letting some stupid money, that we don't even know exists, ruin everything. God boys can be so stupid sometimes.

A part of me wanted to argue with them. To beg them to make the right decision but I knew that no matter how hard I tried, they'd do what they thought best. Looking back I should've tried harder even if the chances were slim, I could've changed the course of my brothers demise.
After an hour I heard the boat start-up and slowing become more distant, headed in the opposite direction to the wreck. I decided to head outside and see if anyone was still left behind. This was also partly because the book was getting on my nerves. The level of racism and its poor treatment of women was very unsettling.

Pope was sitting with Jax, Kie, and JJ next to the unlit fire pit waiting for John B to return with some diving gear for them. I sat on the hammock talking with Pope about how they need to be wary of compression sickness with JJ not bothering to look in my direction whatsoever.

I didn't look at him, I couldn't. The anger inside me was burning my throat. Couldn't he just see from my perspective? Look at how much danger I was in of losing everything I cared about, including him. Maybe that's what he wanted, to get rid of me and move on to the next girl. I just sat there letting my thoughts run through every possibility. Was I just used goods now? He had conquered the unobtainable princess and completed his quest. I felt disgusting.


After John B returned from his trip to the Camerons, I decided to join them on the hunt for the smuggler's 'money'. Since Kie would easily be out numbered by the boys in a fight to not do something stupid. I thought best to tag along and back her up.

Kie checked the tanks once we got to the wreck, but only one was a quarter full which meant only one of us could go down.

"I can- I can dive." John B muttered clearly not focused on the conversation.

"Yeah, you can dive. I'm cool with that." JJ added his approval not willing to put himself on the line.

"No one asked JJ," I remarked.

"Someone has their knickers in a knot, don't they?" He laughed. I ignored him and rolled my eyes at Kie.

"Since when can you dive?" Kie asked JB.

"I'll do it. It's fine." John B replied

Both Kie and I looked at John B with disapproval. Kie stood up as Pope was talking about the depth and time JB would need to spend at his safety stop. I was sitting with Jax listening to the boys go on about their plan when Kie suddenly jumped into the water.

"What was that about?" Pope asked.

"I don't know, but I liked it. A lot." JJ muttered under his breath.

Both Pope and John B looked at me awkwardly. I didn't move a muscle and tried to look unfazed by what just came out of his mouth. I had never been more disappointed in my life.

On the inside, my heart sank. He had just solidified what I was scared would happen. What happened last night didn't matter to him at all. Nothing he had done or said meant anything. He'd probably used the same tricks on hundreds of girls before. I was so stupid to fall for it.

JJ went on about the cargo hold for a while until Kie resurfaced after tying her T-shirt to the anchor line for a marker of JB's safety stop. I stood up and gave my idiot brother a hug. "Don't die." I said well holding back the fighting tears.
"I'll do my best." He replied half heartedly. My whole body was frozen with fear as he set off down to the depths.

A sheriff boat pulled up to us a few seconds after he started his dissent. We lied our way through the encounter by saying John B was working then the deputy decided to climb on board.

"You uh. You got another one of these?" He asked holding a life jacket.

"Yeah. It's in the hold." JJ replied uneasily.

Kie and I stood up to let JJ open the hold, in hopes they would just leave after checking we were practising safe boating. John B had been under for a while so we needed them to piss off so he wouldn't be caught drowning with smuggled goods in his hand.

They eventually left after the deputy took a good look straight where JB was making his stop.

After what felt like the worlds slowest thirty seconds John B's head popped out of the water.

"Oh my god John B." JJ laughed

"Don't scare us like that!" I yelled

He lifted a black bag onto the boat with a large grin on his face and we all cheered; partly because he had discovered something possibly of value but majorly because he had survived.

At least it wasn't all for nothing. John B climbed into the boat and was telling us about running out of air during his resurface since Shoupe took his time snooping around, then a random speed boat started heading towards us.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" I yelled.

"Pope get the anchor!" John B screamed.
Pope pulled up the anchor and set off just as they began to speed faster. John B drove us into the marsh where we could hopefully lose them around the sharp corners. I held onto Jax tightly, hoping he wouldn't freak out.

We were starting to get further away from them when suddenly, one of the two men pulled out a hunting rifle and started shooting at us.

"Holy shit guys!" Kie screamed.

"Fuck this!" I screamed as a bullet flew past my head. "What the fuck did you get us into JJ!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Not now, Lucy!" JJ yelled back.

Another shot was fired at us and we all screamed. I laid down on top of Jax trying to protect us both from the maniacs trailing us.

Kie carefully walked over to the bow to grab one of the nets, I moved out of the way so she could walk past to get to the back of the boat. Suddenly Jax stood up as I tried to rearrange myself. In a matter of seconds the gun went off, Kie threw the net towards them and Jax fell to the floor yelping.

"JAX!" I cried out.

The other boat slowed down to a stop and continued shooting as I ran to Jax.

"John B! Jax was shot! John B." I screamed so loudly my throat screeched.

There was a pool of blood on the floor of the boat. He had been shot on his side, my eyes immediately started flooding with tears. Kie ran to my side and started putting pressure on his wound, which made him cry out sharply. I held his head in my arms running my fingers through his soft coat.

"Please don't go, buddy. Please." I sobbed.

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now