Enough 10

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The night unfolded in a blur of laughter, solo cups, and the pulsating beat of music. It was unlike any party I had been to on the cut. I found myself surrounded by people who didn't care—or more likely, didn't know—about the difference between our worlds. I could let everything go. I was no longer that little girl whose dad got lost at sea and whose brother was slowly losing his mind. I was just another kook who lived a carefree life.

"I must say, you're definitely the most interesting part of this stupid party Routledge." Rafe's voice echoed behind me. He stood so close I could feel the warmth of his breath down my neck. It sent a cold shiver down my spine.

I raised an eyebrow at him, not entirely sure how I should go about this conversation. "Interesting? Is that your way of saying I'm out of place?" I snickered. Fear was encapsulating my body. 

Rafe chuckled, his gaze locking onto mine. "Out of place? Nah, more like a wild card in this deck of monotony. It's refreshing."

I took a sip of my drink, eyeing him sceptically. I was desperate not to show my discomfort. "I didn't realize rich kids like you, used words like 'monotony.'" I laughed slightly, "I expected class, but not a dictionary." 

He moved away and leaned against a wall, smirking. "Well, consider it a pleasant surprise. Not every kook here is as one-dimensional as they seem." He laughed. "You're a pleasant surprise yourself. I expected at least some type of outburst, considering you're a pogue and all." 

"Hey, the night's not over yet. You don't know what I've got planned." I laughed and moved closer so I didn't have to yell over the music. 

Rafe laughed. "You've got a point, Routledge." he paused and leaned in closer, talking almost directly in my ear. "So, what's your story? What brings you to this side of the island?"

I hesitated, debating how much of the truth to reveal. "Let's just say I needed a break from the cut, and fate—or Topper, decided to bring me here." 

His eyes studied mine for a moment before he nodded, seemingly satisfied with the vague answer. "Well, welcome to the world of the elite, even if it's just for a night." He paused and whispered in my ear. "Or, You could always stay, with me." 

A genuine gasp escaped my lips. I knew he was sly and extremely cunning, but that was unexpected. I'm not an oblivious person. I know when someone is attempting to flirt with me. I just hadn't met someone so upfront about it. "Ha. What? Stay with you?" I chuckled and turned away from him. "That's a good one, Rafe." I began walking away before he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. 

"I don't like being rejected, Routledge. It's not -in my DNA" He sneered. I looked up at him and flashed him a cheeky grin. 

"Get used to it, Cameron. I'm not into pretty boys." I smiled, "See you round." I said finally before I walked off. 


"Your brother has some balls," I announced as we reached the end of Topper's mile-long dock. "He really tried it on me tonight. Can you believe it?" I laughed. I had walked into Sarah, near the edge of the party, and invited her to come for a walk. 

"Yeah, I can actually." She giggled. 

I looked at her, intrigued and concerned, "What on earth do you mean by that?" I leaned against the edge of the outdoor furniture set. 

"Your royalty. Mrs Princess of the Pogues." She sat down below me, talking with a bad excuse for an English accent. "The forbidden fruit." She laughed again. 

"Oh. So I'm the innocent, virgin girl the boys want to take advantage of." I laughed, the alcohol doing most of the talking. 

She stopped laughing and looked worryingly up at me. "No, that's- that's not what I meant." 

"I'm kidding," I laughed again, after placing my hand on hers. "I get it. No one wants to mess up the dynamic of the Outerbanks." 

She laughed, "Not that either- wait, you really don't know. Do you?" Her voice was increasingly more surprised. 

"Know what?" I paused, "I'm not oblivious if that's what you think." 

"No you're not oblivious-" She relaxed, "Two summers ago, John B and his friends were down at the waterhole, by the Wreck. Kie was there and Topper decided to talk to her, asking about why she transferred schools -or something. John B told him to get lost and whatnot. Anyway, Kelce made a joke about you. JJ lost his mind, as he does, but this was different. He nearly threw Kelce off the cliff." She giggled at the last part. 

"JJ is mental." I laughed, slightly disheartened by my friends keeping this from me. "Must've been pretty bad. What Kelce said, I mean." I was subtly inviting her to elaborate.

She shrugged, "Something about turning you into one of us, I think. Since Kiara switched sides - Like an exchange. I dunno." 

I laughed, "Sounds to me like JJ was just avoiding the inevitable. I am at Topper's party after all." 

The cool night air swept over the dock, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The revelation about JJ's overprotectiveness surprised me, and I wondered how much of my life was shaped by these unspoken rules. It was a given that John B and his friends wanted me to be protected, but I wasn't that little girl anymore. I needed to decide for myself who I wanted to be surrounded by, especially since my own brother was a risk to my well-being. 

"So, what's your take on the whole Pogue-Kook dynamic?" I asked, curious about her perspective and wanting to change the topic. In the cut, everyone hated the Kooks, mostly out of jealousy. 

She sighed, looking out at the dark expanse of water. "It's complicated." She paused and contemplated her next words, "On the surface, there's this animosity between the groups, but deep down, I think we're all just trying to survive."

"I agree." I followed her gaze to the dark water. Watching the moonlight dance on the surface. "I think, honestly, I'm going to like living on this side of the island. Even if it's not permanent." 

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now