Pilot 2

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We drove back home to the Chateau. All of us were laughing our heads off at JJ reenacting Pope's faceplant over the fence as we pulled in. Jax came galloping towards us and jumped into John B's arms, covering him in slobber. He hated being left alone.

"Jesus, that mutt can jump." JJ laughed.

"Shut up JJ, Jax is less of a mutt than you." John B replied jokingly.

Although I would never admit it to anyone, the brown bundle of energy kind of was a mutt. Nobody knew what breed he was, my guess something like a border collie but brown and bigger. I found him when he was a puppy, on the side of the road in a plastic bag, sick and nearly dead.

Some people are incredibly foul and deserve to pay for treating such innocent things so horribly.

I brought him to my dad, and we saved him together, but Jax was always his dog. I was just the stork that delivered him.

Dad and Jax would spend hours sitting on the back porch reading and sleeping, pretty adorable if you ask me. It was John B's job to get rid of his energy, hence the jumping into his arms whenever we come home.

John B would run and jump off the dock into the water. Jax would wait for the whistle from JB, letting him free. When he did, the crazy dog would sprint as fast as his legs would carry him and leap into JB's arms. His personal best was nearly a 13 ft jump at one point.

Ever since dad disappeared, Jax has been sleeping in my bed. I don't mind it honestly, He's a little smelly, and his brown fur gets literally everywhere imaginable, but he's helped me a lot. Jax used to sleep at the foot of dads bed every night, "My personal foot warmer." He'd always say. So I can imagine he probably misses Big John just as much as us.

Something completely shocking is Kie absolutely loves Jax. I know who guessed. Believe it or not, she doesn't have her own dog. Her mum is allergic. So she just treats Jaxs like her own, gives him special treatment honestly. Kie was the one who bought him the signature red collar.

It was beautiful red leather, with gold buckles and a black dog tag reading "JAX" on the front and "P4L" with our phone number on the back. Kie is not exactly known for being much of a softie, but Jax has a special place in her heart. It's pretty sweet.


"Foster care?!!" I screamed, "You have got to be joking!"

It was a couple of days later, and we had just come home from the beach with everyone. John B had been acting off all day and finally told me what was going on. It kind of made sense, but It couldn't happen. It just couldn't.

"Lucy, I'll figure it out alright." John B replied

"How? How are you gonna possibly figure it out, John B? Why didn't you tell me child services was sniffing around?" I asked.

"I didn't want you to worry." He replied

The thought of being separated from my brother made me wanna fall to the floor. I knew we would end up in the shit with no guardian but not now. It wasn't long until JB turned 18, and then he could be my guardian. We just needed more time.

"What's the plan then?" I asked, holding back the forceful tears trying to fall down my face.

"I talked to Kie yesterday. Her parents agreed to let you move in."

I sat down on the armchair next to me, looking away from my brother.

"Without even bothering to ask me?" I cried, "I don't want to leave John B. This is my home."

The tears were unstoppable now.

"You don't have to leave Lou, not yet. I asked them just in case things turn to shit." He groaned, obviously annoyed at my response.

I didn't want to break down in front of my brother. He's got enough going on.

I got up, grabbed Jax's leash and walked out the door. "I'm not pissed at you, just fucked off in general," I yelled towards the house as I whistled for Jax.

It was around 8, but I didn't give a shit. I needed to get away for at least an hour. Everything seemed like it was falling apart.

This was meant to be a fresh start. The summer we'd never forget, but now it was a whirlpool. Having to be away from home, possible foster care, and my brother still believing dad was coming back. Everything wasn't going to get better any time soon.

I headed down the road with Jax by my side. I had a fleece hoodie on with ripped jean shorts and some old "white" converse shoes. My plan initially was to run, run until I felt okay enough to come back, so that's what I did.

I wasn't thinking about where I was going; I just kept going, following Jax pretty much.

After what felt like over two hours, we were very far from the Chateau, with mansions all around, street lights and actual sidewalks. Figure 8 was a nice place to be. Jax was panting like crazy, so we sat for a bit, a street bench with a doggy fountain next to it. These people are the definition of too rich.

Jax took a quick drink, and we headed home, ready for the lecture JB was about to give. As we were walking back the way we came, the princess herself came around the corner.

Sarah Cameron was probably the most unbearable person I've ever meet. She's such a dramatic, pick me, princess, with her daddy that would go to the ends of the earth for her.

She was upset, almost bawling her eyes out from the looks for it.

"Are you good?" I asked reluctantly.

I sort of felt bad. She was by herself in the middle of the night, crying.

She looked up and nearly jumped when she realised who she was talking to.

"Yup, fine, thanks," she replied and climbed over the wall into her house, I guess.


We made it home around 11 pm. JB was pissed, to say the least. JJ was there, too, giving me a lecture alongside my brother.

I didn't tell them about Sarah. I felt like there was an unspoken understanding we wouldn't snitch on each other. I also didn't tell them where I ran to, which pissed John B off even more. I just didn't feel like having to explain why I went all the way to figure 8. Honestly, I didn't have a reason.

After the boys had calmed down a bit, I headed to bed. John B pulled me into a bear hug as I walked past him. I had to hold my breath to stop myself from bawling my eyes out right then and there.

Forbidden // OBX - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now