Enough 3

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The sun was high in the sky by the time I got out of bed. JJ and John B had left early to do god knows what, probably sturring shit knowing them. I walked into the kitchen to grab my secret stash of Pop-tarts and walked out to the hammock. I was completely exhausted from the events of the day prior.

laying down in the mid-morning sun, I watched the light glisten on the surface of the water and listened to the sound of the small waves hitting the boat against the dock. A few moments passed, perfect moments before JJ crossed my mind.

I had to stop myself. I was not going to let this boy consume my mind anymore.

After a couple of minutes of staring into the sea, I decided I needed to get off my ass and do something before I lost my mind. The only way I could think of was surfing, I grabbed my board and packed a bag with my journal, phone, my favourite towel and a random bikini. Heading out the door I grabbed one last thing before hopping in the boat and driving down to my favourite surf spot.


In need of some girl time, I picked Kie up on the way to the secret surf beach. Kiara had one of the nicest surfboards out there, some eco-tech thing that's like amazing for the environment, it's also the sickest looking board I've seen. Basically completely wood, with Hawaiian designs all over. She also had a cooler box filled with sandwiches, water and a couple of beers.

Is she ever not in complete mom mode?

"I brought us a surprise," I said proudly, holding my shesh bag out for Kie to grab.

"Let me guess..." she smiled and put down her stuff, "Is it JJ's stash?"

"How'd you know?" I laughed.

I had grabbed JJ's 'super secret' stash that he keeps under the couch pillows. He genuinely thinks none of us knows about it. Kie started the boat as I started rolling a joint, today was going to be good, it had to be.

Not even five seconds after we left Kie asked, "What's up with you and JJ?" looking towards the water.

"Just perfect really, He proposed last night as we were walking down our private beach. We're planning on a seaside wedding in Bora-Bora, either that or Italy." I laughed showing off my imaginary wedding ring.

"How splendid. " She laughed in a posh English accent.

"Besides that, how is Pope?" I returned the accent.

"Absolutely wonderful, still no proposal yet but yesterday we discussed baby names. That man has no taste honestly, Norman for a boy and Margaret for a girl." We both laughed.

"That bad?" I asked.

"I dunno, he's a difficult person to read. One minute we're laughing and obviously flirting than just cold shoulder." She sighed.

"I'm sure it'll work, just look at you guys. You're quite literally a match made in heaven." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm guessing it's a no go with you and he who should not be named then?" She turned and faced me with apologetic eyes.

I replied a little too fast, "Yeah, I think so. It's funny isn't it, how quickly it all went to shit."

"I think he's gonna figure it out eventually, but until then, let's have fun." She smiled at me.


After 20 minutes and a few laughs about how blind the boys can be, we arrived at the beach. The actual surf beach was a bit of a walk away so we parked up the boat and got dressed into our bikinis before heading off. It was around midday at this point so the sun was glaring down on us, Kie grabbed a bottle of water for us both and we started the walk through the bush to 'kings cove' as the locals call it.

Walking towards the beach, the canopy of branches protecting us from the deadly sun we started humming to Be Mine Tonight by Th' Dudes which naturally turned into a full-on sing-off.

Eventually, we stopped singing horribly and actually got into the water. As usual, the waves were perfect. So perfect you could see a fish 6 feet down well riding a wave, the cleanest breaks out of all of the outer banks. The cove was something out of a tropical surf movie, a reef on either side with cliffs towering over protecting the secret spot. The waves weren't insanely big but smooth and clean.

After an easy ride out we waited for a new set to pull through. Kie was wearing a yellow triangle bikini with mismatched white flowery bottoms, she looked so fitted to the scenery. I was wearing a bluish-grey bikini set matched with a small chain necklace that has a blue water drop charm.

Kie spotted a beautiful looking wave "I'm calling dibs!" she yelled as she started paddling towards the best one on the set.

I turned and started racing her to get in position for the wave, "You're dreaming!" I yelled back.

We both paddled hard, laughing hysterically at how competitive we are. The wave started to break as I stood up, Kie was trying to get herself up too but I was already riding the wave face. She ended up getting up as I glided past her, we rode the wave next to each other for what felt like hours just laughing.

The rest of the day was spent just like that, laughing and trying new tricks that ended up with us face planting at least ten times. We smoked a bit then headed back home, JJ was not going to be happy about me stealing his stash but oh well.


When we got back home the boys were waiting for us, Pope and JJ looked scared to death well John B looked like he was contemplating life.

"Why do you guys look like someone's dead?" I asked as we walked up the back doorsteps.

"We have a problem..." JB replied.

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