Pilot 4

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"Agatha did some work huh," JJ said from outside.

I had barely slept through the night with all the banging and rain smashing against my window. The storm had completely destroyed our yard. Trees had fallen over, leaves and branches literally everywhere, and the dock was a bit fucked, but we were okay.

I opened the window to see my brother clearing out the boat. "Going for a fish JB?" I asked.

He didn't even turn around to look at me and replied, "I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. C'mon, think about it. It's God tellin' us to fish."

I closed the window and pulled on some clothes—a blue t-shirt over a white and pink patterned bikini with my black ripped jean shorts and necklaces. I really needed a shower. My hair was down and filled with sea salt from the surf. It was messy and had some small braids left in from the other day.

DCS was meant to come today, but thankfully the ferries weren't running. Who knows when they'd be able to come, maybe a week or so.

JJ, John B and I gabbed the fishing stuff and set the boat out on the water. We brought Jax along too. I thought we'd better spend as much time as possible with him. Once we had everything ready, we headed off to save Pope and Kie from whatever their parents had dragged them into doing.

We found Pope down at the pier with Hayward, cleaning off some gear. Agatha had really done a number on lots of people. Boats were trashed, and there was broken shit all over the place. It was definitely a sad sight with the whole community already struggling.

"Well, look who we have here," JJ yells when we pull up next to him.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory," John B said over a fake police microphone.

I knew from the way Hayward was walking towards us he wasn't happy for Pope to leave. We slowed down, and Jax tried to jump out of the boat. He tends to get overexcited when we're out on the boat.

"I can't," Pope replied, "my pop's got me on lockdown."

"Hey, Mr Hayward. How's it going." I asked Pope's dad.

"Your dads a pussy over," JJ said, using the fake microphone.

"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." He said in a slightly threatening voice towards JJ. He turned his head to me and smiled. I had been holding on to Jax at the front of the boat.

"Hey Lou, How's Howie treating you? I heard he's a man down." He replied. Mr Hayward helped me get a job with Howie, he was like an uncle to me.

"Yeah, good. I've been having to clean fish bins since Greg left. He gave me the day off since there's no power." I answered with a kind look on my face. He definitely knew I was hinting for Pope to come with us.

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow." Pope pleaded with his dad.

"No, No. Hell No. You doin' it right now," He replied.

"Get in the boat." John B whispered to Pope. "Make a run for it," JJ exclaimed.

Pope jumped in the boat, very ungracefully. Hayward was threatening him with cleaning shrimp and other nasty jobs.

"Sorry," I said to the old man, he really just needed help tidying up.

"And I don't like your friends." He yelled as we left. Poor Pope wasn't gonna have a fun time when he got home later.


We pulled up to Kie's place. She held a very appealing cooler with most likely beers in. The outfit of the day was her signature blue shorts with a t-shirt and a backpack. She looked so innocent and cute with her packed lunch, and I bet there was some herb in that backpack of hers.

"Salud." We all said as we toasted some beers and headed down the marsh.

Kie and I took off our clothes to go for a swim. She was wearing a purple bikini that made her look incredibly tan, and I had my white and pink patterned bikini that showed off my chest quite a bit. We jumped in with Jax, that dog is obsessed with swimming. JJ and JB jumped in, leaving Pope on the boat. John B was trying to push my head under the water and get onto my shoulders, just forgot to tell me. I thought he was trying to drown me or something, so I fell backwards, making him fall off my back.

Brotherly love, I guess.

A splash battle between JB, JJ and Kie had broken out. I climbed back into the boat so that I could watch from a good distance. My money was on Jax getting overly excited, jumping back into the water, splashing everyone from his great swimming and winning by default. I was right, of course.

We headed further south to find a good fishing spot. We were all joking around, making fun of the look on JJ's face when Jax "attacked" him during the splash fight. JJ decided to try his signature flying beer trick, which never works, may I add.

He stood at the front of the boat, demanding that Pope needed to go faster for it to work. The beer was just getting all over the rest of us. Pope yelled, "All right. All right!" then we all started telling him to stop. He had just wasted over half a beer.

Suddenly the boat stopped. Causing Jax to fall onto Kie's lap, John B to faceplant onto the ground and JJ to do a front flip through the air into the water. Pope and I just got jerked forward, luckily.

"Oh my God, JJ, are you okay." I gasped, looking down at his floating body.

"I think my heels touched the back of my head." He groaned. That boy is something else. Only JJ Maybank was lucky enough to have been in that position as we hit a sand bar.

John B got up and laughed. "The hurricane must've changed the channel."

"No shit," JJ replied as he swam back to the boat.

Everyone seemed to be alright.

Pope walked up to the front of the boat, checking if we'd gotten fully stuck or not. "Guys... I think there's a boat down there." He sounded confused

"Shut up." John B replied thinking he was joking.

"No way." Kie laughed.

Pope turned and pointed at the water. "No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there. For real." He was nearly yelling now.

Everyone jumped into the water and started trying to search the shipwreck. I stayed on the boat with Jax so he didn't accidentally drown himself trying to dive with JB. They came back up and told me that it was a greaty white—one of the nicest boats out.

"That's the boat I saw when we surfed the surge," JB said

Kie looked so confused and asked, "You surfed the surge?" looking at JB. We didn't tell Kie because she was locked up with her family. She also wouldn't have approved.

"Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" Pope asked, changing the subject.

"No, but we're about to find out." John B replied as he opened the anchor hatch and lifted it to his chest. Kie and I tried to stop him before JJ pushed him in. I was about to lose my shit at John B. What if he drowned? What would happen to me? Inconsiderate asshole.

After what felt like years, my stupid brother resurfaced with a motel key of all things in his hand. The look on his face told me all I needed to know.

"I'm done. You guys can get yourselves into a mystery from scooby do without me." I laughed. I really didn't wanna get into shit with the cops for stealing or something.

John B dropped Jax and me off at home before heading out. Whatever they were gonna get themself into, I wasn't gonna be involved.

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