Chapter 1

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"Thank you all! We're happy performing on this stage with you! We love you, Directioner!" As usual, Liam close their concert before all members of One Direction bow their heads to the audience, whose still claps and cry out enthusiastically.

"Wow! That's a great concert, isn't it?" Harry said after they run off the stage,"I can't wait for this Friday. That's the day of our last concert this week, right?"

"Yeah, me too," Niall said full of spirited,"how about we hang out tomorrow, before that day? Just for refreshing, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm agree, I'm in," Zayn nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm in too," Liam said agreeing.

"Me too," Harry nodded yes either.

Now they throw a gaze to Louis whose seems in daze since a while ago. Harry wave his hand in front of his face,"Lou? Louiii...?"

Louis blink rapidly,"huh? What? What are you talking about?"

"Astaghfirullah al adzim!" Zayn shake his head and rubs his chest. The other just rolls their eyes.

"Where have you been anyway? You keep in daze for long enough. That's not good, Lou," Zayn said again.

"I'm sorry, guys. Okay, what again? What are you talking about before?"

They sigh and rolls their eyes again.

"Tomorrow we want to hang out, do you want to come in?"

"Oh, where are you going to?" Louis ask again while rubs his stomach unconsciously.

"We don't know yet. Wherever we want-... are you hungry?" Harry ask suddenly while staring at Louis hand that still on his stomach.

"Oh! No, no!" Louis put down his hand immediately,"tomorrow, huh? Mmm...I think I can't go, guys."

"What? Oh, come on, Louis! This is our break. We rarely get a break like this, right? Pleease..." Niall pout his lips and show him his puppy dog eyes.

They chuckle lightly. But Louis just keep quiet while once again, rubs his stomach unconsciously. Harry's smile turn into a frown. Usually, Louis always laugh if one of them pout their lips and showing their puppy dog eyes.

"I'm really sorry, Ni. I'm not in the mood for doing anything. I'm so tired. I just want to take a rest."

Now it's Liam, Zayn and Niall turn to frown their eyebrows. Usually, Louis never complaint, especially about his tiredness, even when he's sick. He always looks so energetic, whatever happen.

Liam quickly stick out his hand to felt Louis forehead, but Louis push it back quickly too,"what're you doing?"

"Are you sick? It's unusual for you to be quite and complaining like this," Liam raise his eyebrows questioningly.

Louis chuckle nervously,"no, of course not, I'm fine. Like I said, I'm just tired. It's okay, right? If I can't go with you tomorrow? I really want to take a rest, guys."

Finally they just sigh and nod. But in their heart, they still wondering about the change of Louis attitude today.

Louis flash a small smile,"thank you,! We're arrive at a junction already. Okay, I will go home alone now. See you at Friday, guys!" Louis wave his hand to them.

The boys wave him back with a shout like 'see you, Lou!' Or 'be careful, Lou!'

Louis just flash a small smile again. Yes, the path to his house is more tight and dark, compare to the path of his friends house. And the number of criminality in this place is bigger than in another place. Louis walk and rub his stomach again that a little upset recently,'ugh, what happen with my stomach?'

"Louis! Wait!"

Louis jump in startle, then turn around,"Harry? Why are you run like crazy? And what are you doing here?"

Harry arrive in front of him bending down, try to catch his breath,"I want to accompany you, if you don't mine."

Louis let out a small laugh,"oh, of course I don't mine, but you already gasping for air now. I don't want to bother you."

Harry stand up when his breath steady again,"but you're sick-...don't argue me," Harry said quickly when Louis try to protest him,"I'm right, am I?"

Louis sigh, then bow his head. He don't know why he can't lie to Harry,"yes, you're right, but-...ugh," suddenly he feel so nauseous. He grip his stomach and clamp his mouth.


Louis let out a loud gag, before Harry grab and guide him to the edge of the path which is bushy enough. He bend down and retch violently. Harry rub his neck and his back soothingly, until he stop vomiting a few minutes later. Harry give him some tissues that use instantly for wipe his mouth.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah, thank's, Haz."

Harry smile when he heard his nickname mentioned again. Yes, these last days Louis never call him with that nickname. He don't know why. Maybe cause he's stress? Or too exhausted?

"Come on, I'll take you home, or do you want to go to a doctor first?"

"Hazza, it's almost midnight, beside, I don't like doctor, you know that."


"Hazza!" Louis start to sounds annoyed by his necessity.

"Okay, okay, I shut my mouth now."

Louis shake his head and continue to walk. When they arrive at a twist path, he stop,"okay, Haz. I think I can walk alone since here. You better go home before it's too dark and too quite."

Harry look around, and yes, it's really is quiet and hideous. He start to feel a little eerie.

"O-okay. Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes, Hazza. Everyday I pass this path. It's normal for me. But it's not normal for you. You still a kid. I just don't want something happen to you, I hope not."

Harry pout his lips when Louis call him a kid. Louis just let out a light laugh and ruffle his hair. Harry laugh too. He glad Louis now seems rather cheery, like his usual self before.

"Okay then, I'll go home now. See you, Lou!"

"See you, Haz! And thank you."

Harry nodded and wave his hand before turn around and walk away.

"Be careful,Haz!" Louis shout behind him.

Harry turn his head a little then point his thumbs up reassuring. But deep down in his heart, he got a bad feeling. He don't know why, and just shrug it off.

Louis turn around and continue his walk while hum slowly. About 20 minutes later a hand pat his shoulder. He turn around startlingly,"Hazza! Why are you st-..." he widened his eyes when seeing who the person is.

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