Chapter 10

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Diamond Hills.

"Hey! Devil son!"

David pull Louis's collar and push him hard from the room until he's fall to the ground.


Tiara knelt beside him, trying to help. But David pull her hand and throw her on the bed, before lock the door from outside.

"Hey! Don't be crude to her!"

Louis said while trying to stand up. But a hard slap make him fall again.

"Shut up, you idiot! Come!"

David grip his arm and drag him to the front yard before push him forward.

"There! Do my farm! Plant all the trees! Understand?!!"



Louis fall again. His cheek felt burn because of that last slap.

"Do it! Now!!"

Louis grab a mattock quickly.

"And don't try to run again! Remember?!!"

Louis nodded in defeat.

After David back in the house, Louis do all the job ordered.

'Oh, God, how am I work these acres's land, alone?'

Louis sigh.

'Well then, the important thing is Tiara's safe. But why's nobody search me? I thought I already try to contact the boys, even Tiara also send a tweet? Or maybe the boys don't care about me? No, that's not possible. Maybe they just didn't found this place yet. This place is really far far away. Yeah, maybe that's the reason they didn't found me yet.'

Louis keep thinking until his stomach hurt because of the starving. Yes, David always give them food, but the food just enough for one person. So, Louis often give them to Tiara. He didn't have a heart to see her starving. Better he, whose starving than her.

Hours later, he kneel down to start planting. But suddenly, somebody clamp his mouth from behind. Louis jump in fear and startle. He try to struggling out.

"Ssh...Louis, it's Zayn."

Zayn whisper in his ear. Louis turn his head and sigh in relief when sees that indeed, it's Zayn.

He start to talk, but Zayn put his point finger at his lips, and keep drag him back until they arrive at a haystack before squat behind it.

"Exchange your clothes with Louis! Hurry!"

Zayn whisper-yell to Evan whose already hide behind that stack. Evan nodded and undone his clothes.

He's doing this with his own will, because he didn't want Louis to undergo the same bad experience with him, better he, whose tormented by his dad, not Louis. The other boys tried to stop him, but he insisted.

Meanwhile, Louis just hang his mouth open when sees the boy that really look alike him. But Zayn smack his shoulder.

"Louis! Your clothes!"

"Oh, okay, okay."

Louis too, undone his clothes quickly before give it to Evan.

After that, Evan move to replace Louis position.

Louis hug Zayn tight.

"Zayn, how did you found me? And who is he?"

"Later, Lou. Now we better back to the car first. There are some police here. So, Evan will be watched over and he will be safe. Come on."

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