Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry, I lost the picture. But well, hopefully you still enjoy this. Thank you.




"Why did Louis take a long time?  Didn't he hungry?" Harry ask wondering.

"Yeah, he's not back since you're cook," Liam added with a worried tone.

"I'll check him up. You just eat first, Li."

"Okay, you eat after that, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be back."

Harry rush to the bathroom, where Louis is.

Meanwhile, Niall and Zayn still eating hungrily. Even their plate almost empty now.

"Tsk...tsk...tsk...are you two hungry or really like the food?" Liam ask shaking his head.

"Well, maybe both, Li," Niall answer still continue eating.

"Yeah, where's Harry and Louis?" Zayn ask Liam now.

"Liam! Liaam!!" suddenly Harry shout panicky.

They jump in startle and choke on their food, until cough several times.

"Shit! Why Harry shout like that?" Niall curse after stop coughing.

Liam drink his water before run towards Harry's voice that sounds from Louis bedroom, followed by Zayn and Niall.

"What happen, Haz?"

Liam ask when reach Louis room, but then gasp loudly seeing Harry hug Louis whose his eyes closed and not move.

"Oh, my God, Haz! What happen with Louis?" Liam ask again.

Harry just silent with his tears drop, swaying front and back. Liam take Louis from him and lay him down on the bed.

"Shit! He's burning up! Call doctor Tommy, Ni!" Liam order, a little panick.

Niall call doctor Tommy immediately. Harry, Liam and Zayn compress Louis in turn.

"Why his eyes swollen, Haz?" Liam ask wondering.

"I don't know, Li. I think he just cried."

"Oh, poor Louis, his temperature still high too.  What can we do, Haz?" Liam ask more panick.

"Doctor Tommy on the way here, guys," Niall said suddenly.

"Oh, thank's, God," they breath in relief.

A few minutes later, doctor Tommy come and check Louis straightforward. Apparently, he's got a fever because of depression.

Liam then told him that indeed, Louis often get nightmares recently, but he didn't want to talk about it.

Doctor Tommy suggest that they should coax him to talk. Maybe that's can lift Louis burden.
The boys agree and promise to try to talk with Louis.

After doctor Tommy leave, the doorbell ring. The boys frown.

"Who is that?" Niall mumble.

"Oh, shit! Maybe that's Louis mom," Liam walk-run to open the door.

"Oh, yes," the other boys follow him.

When the door opened, Brianna, Louis mom hug them one after another.

"Hello, boys! How are you? Fine?" Brianna flash them a bright smile.

"Yes, mama Bri, we are fine," Liam answer her while smile nervously.

The other boys too, plaster a nervous smile on their face. Brianna's smile drop.

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