Chapter 3

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At the backyard, Zayn turn his head around,'where that voice come from?'

He heard that voice again.

'It sounds from near a mango tree.'

Zayn walk to the right side where there are some tree mangos, jambu air ( a/n: I don't know in English, sorry, but not guava ), oranges, and so on.

At the left side there are some flowers, like the sun flower, rose, jasmine, and so on.

Zayn feel more eerie,"ugh, maybe it's a ghost,"he thought. But he continue his walk while praying. Well, just the pray that he knows.

Then he heard the vomiting voice. His fear lessen instantly, because why the hell is a ghost vomiting? Is it even a ghost?

Now, he felt more worried than afraid,so, he walk faster.

Indeed, there's someone vomiting under a tree mango. His left hand lean against a tree, and his right hand grip his stomach. He is bending down with his back facing Zayn.

But Zayn seems knows the person. From his hair, his face shape....but why is he so thin? And the clothes.....suddenly he fall limp and slip off. Zayn catch him immediately, before he touch the ground.

That's when a beam of park lamp irradiate his face.


Zayn carry Louis quickly, who have a high fever, and bring him to his room.

"Liam! Liaam!!" He shout in a panick tone.

A minutes later, Liam rush in with a chaotic appearance, because he just wake up.

"What's wrong, Z? What's wrong?"

He ask with a panick tone too. But then his eyes fall to the body on the bed.

"Oh, my God! Louis!"

"Bring a bowl of water and rug! And wake another up! Hurry!"

Liam rush to the kitchen and prepare the equipment, before bang to Harry and Niall room door.

"Harry! Niall! Wake up! Quick!"

Several minutes later, they compressing Louis in turn, whose the fever start to lessen bit by bit.

The first time they put him on the bed, Louis shiver heavily and retch unconsciously, but now he start to calm, and they just wait for him to awake.

Harry sobs in Niall's arm whose now crying too, also Liam and Zayn. They didn't expected Louis in a bad shape like that.

His body covered by bruises and slice wounds. Also, he is so thin, like a person that never eat. And his clothes are rumpled, like he never changed it for months.

His condition is like a person whose never be cared for a long time.

"Ni, what happen to him? Why is he like this?" Harry ask sadly.

"I don't know, Haz. Who's the bastard that did this to him!" Niall said angrily.

Zayn just sat silently with his head bowing and tears stream down his cheek. But when remember Louis condition at the first time, he let out the sobs until his shoulder shake.

Liam just pacing forth and back while try to call a doctor, until he yell frustrating and throw his phone at the wall, before sit next to Zayn and cover his face with his hand. Crying uncontrollably.

Niall whose a bit calm now, ask him what happened. Liam said that the doctors he called not response him.

"Why the hell they didn't answer?!"

"'s okay, Li," Niall rubs his back,"I'll try to call Paul. Maybe he can help us."

Liam just nod weakly.

A few minutes later, Niall already connected to Paul. Luckily, he can help.

And now they just wait for him to bring a doctor and pray that hopefully, Louis will be alright.

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