Chapter 9

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"Evan is your son?"

They ask her simultaneously. If the situation is different, maybe they will laugh for it. But now, they didn't. They're too worried to laugh.

"Yes, he's Louis's twin brother."

This time they couldn't talk any longer. They're too shock until what could they done is just plop their body on the couch and lean against it weakly, while the boy in bed just cry silently.

"I'm so sorry, boys. I just tell about Evan right now. Because...I'm too sad to remember him, he died when he'd just...a baby. Even I didn't tell Louis about this, so, he didn't know that he has a twin brother. A-and...I didn'expected that there's someone who really like Evan and you, son."

Brianna said the last sentence to the boy in bed, with tears drop her cheek.

"Please don't call me Evan or Louis!!" The boy scream in frustation while cry silently,"I am no one! I didn't mean anything to anyone! I just a kid that always be hit and tormented by his father for years! And maybe daddy's right! I am useless! And I deserve to die!"

The other gasp when heard the words that come out from his mouth.

The boy then burst in sobs, but Brianna hug him immediately.

"Ssh...don't say like that, honey. You're a good boy. You still have a long future. And you didn't deserve to be treated like that. No one deserve it, you hear me?"

The boy nodded sadly.

"But why's daddy always treated me like that, ma'am? Whereas I always try to be a good son and can be proud of. But seems like it's never enough for him. What's my fault, ma'am? What's not enough from me?"

"Maybe your dad's just angry, son. But in truth, he really loves you. No parents that didn't love their child, right?"

"I know, ma'am," the boy's cry lessen a little,"but...seems like daddy really didn't love me. He have ever said that he treated me like that just for a revenge. Especially I'm running away from him now. Maybe he will search me and when he found me, he will treated me again like-..."

The boy stop talk and widened his eyes fearfully.

"Oh, my, God! He will not search me, because he already found...oh, my, God! It's my fault! It's my fault!"

The boy sit up and climb out from the bed abruptly. But because of his weakness, he fall to the ground.

The boys help him immediately and lay him down again.

"Calm down, Evan! Calm down!"

Liam try to sooth him.

"What did you say?"

"What? Calm down?"

"No, not that."

"Oh, Evan?"


"Oh, do you mind if I call you-..."

"No, no. That's fine. I'm happy, actually. Thank you, Liam."

"You're welcome, Ev. But, what are you talking about, before?"

"I-It's Louis. I'm so sorry. If I didn't runaway, maybe-..."

"Stop right there. I still don't understand, well, I have a guess, but...I hope it's not right."

Liam's heart throbbing fast. Maybe Louis was really been kidnapped? Oh, my God...

Evan sigh regretfully.

"We must save Louis. I think he's been kidnapped by my father."

"Oh, my, God!"

The boys's heart sank painfully. Brianna burst in tears, but Zayn hug her immediately.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault. If I didn't runaway, maybe Louis was safe here. I think my father assume him as me. I'm so sorry."

Evan sobs again, but Niall hug him tight.

"It's okay, Ev. It's not your fault. You didn't know this will  happen. Let's just search for Louis, alright? We search him together, right, guys?"

Niall said the last sentence to the other boys.

"Yeah, we search him together. It's not your fault, Ev."

They smile reassure him.

"O-okay, thank you, guys."

Finally they agree to search Louis that day. Evan said that his father must bring Louis to his house.

The boys coax Brianna to not come with them, but she insisted to come. Louis is her son, she want to know his condition. Eventually the boys just let her be. Their bodyguards and the police also go along with them.

"Evan, are you sure Louis's been kidnapped by your father?" Harry ask suddenly.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Harry sigh sadly. He can't imagine Louis's been treated like Evan, been hit, tormented, and his skin had been slice. Oh, my, God...

"I'm sorry again, Harry. I wish I tell the truth when you all found me."

"What do you mean?"

"When you found me, I hadn't got the full amnesia, I think."


"I mean...yes, I didn't remember my name, or maybe I didn't have a name, because dad always call me 'devil son,' or 'idiot.' I just remember about dad's tormented. But when you all show the photos of you, even the videos, I start to believe that indeed, I'm Louis. But then, I never remember about you and One Direction. That's make me really confuse. So, I just let it be. Beside, I already felt comfortable with you. I don't want to be back to that 'scaring house.' I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to take advantage from you. It just-..."

"It's okay, Ev. If I'm in your position, maybe I will do exactly like you do. And you're not the one who felt guilty."

"What do you mean?"

Harry then told Evan about the last time he met Louis, when Louis sick on the way to his house.

"Actually, that time I had a bad feeling, but I ignore it. If I accompany him until arrive at his house, maybe he will be safe."

"But, you didn't know that, right?"

"Yeah. I don't know. I have a feeling that he's been kidnapped that night."

Evan sigh sadly.

"It's alright, Harry. Let's just hope that Louis don't be treated like me. It's a horrible experience, Harry."

Evan shudder heavily when remember the tormented from his father. But Harry hug him tight and rubs his back soothingly.

"It's okay, Ev. You will be fine. No one will treated you like that again, alright?"

Evan nodded weakly.

"Thank you, Harry."

Harry nodded and smile.

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