Chapter 5

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Harry try to hug him.

"Louis! Thank's God you're a-..."

"No! Don't walk any closer!" Louis suddenly yell.

"But why? Did your wounds hurt again?"

Harry still walk approach him.

"I said don't walk any closer!" Louis yell again and go back until his back hit the head bed. He looks so frightened now.

The boys stop instantly.

Louis gaze around him in panick and confusion. When his gaze lock to the boys, he quickly climb down the bed and try to run. But instead, he fall to the ground, maybe because he still so weak.

Harry whose stand closer, try to help him up.

"No! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! I don't know you! Go away! Go awaaay!"

Louis ward off Harry's hand repeatedly, but then he cry in pain while clutching his stomach.

"Lou..." Harry whisper with his tears dripping down his cheek.

Liam hug him gently,"'s alright, Haz. Maybe you must take a rest first. You too," Liam turn to Zayn and Niall,"especially you, Z. You looks about to pass out now. And you too, Niall. Please just take a rest, okay? Let me here for a while. I'll try to calm him down."

They already too exhausted, so, they just nodded and go to their bedroom.

Liam take a deep breath and walk approach Louis slowly. Louis still try to run, but Liam quickly hug him tight.

Then Louis struggle to pull away, but Liam not move, even an inch.

Finally, Louis's energy drain out and he just cry silently in Liam's arm.

"'s okay, Lou. Please calm down. We didn't want to hurt you. We just glad you're awake. Come on, you must take a lot of rest."

Liam lay him down carefully and give him a glass of water with a soft smile.

"Here, drink this. Maybe it will make you feel better and calm."

Louis let out a small smile,"t-thank you."

He sip his water a little then give it back to Liam.

Liam nodded and put the glass on the table.

"How do you feel now? Better?"

"I-I don't know. I still feel a little queasy. W-where is this anyway? And who are you? Why did you always call me L...Lo...."


"Yes, that," Louis smile shyly.

Liam frown his eyebrows and lock his gaze to Louis,'he is not like Louis that I know. The old Louis must already hop up in my arms while smiling cheerfully, and yell: Lili! In my ears,' Liam thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Louis throw his gaze around once again. But when he sees Liam's gaze, he quickly turn away and bow his head.

Liam blink in realization.

"Oh, s-sorry. Were you really didn't know who you are? And us?" He ask carefully.

Louis shake his head weakly.

Liam bow sadly,'oh, my God. Why does Louis being like this?' His tears start to drop, but he wipe it quickly. Then he clear his throat.

"Yes, your name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson."

"Really?" Louis still looks confuse.

"Yes, name is Liam, Liam Payne," then he let out a small chuckle,"usually, you call me Lili."

Louis chuckle too,"Lili?!"

"Yeah," Liam scratch his head that not itch,"funny, isn't it?" Liam chuckle again.

"Yeah. Too bad I didn't remember it," Louis bow sadly.

Liam nodded sadly,"it's okay. Now, let's eat. You didn't eat yet these days, did you?"

"No, I didn't. But my stomach still upset."

"That's alright. Try just a little bit, so that you're not too weak. We eat with our friends, okay?"

"Okay. But if I vomit, don't be mad, please."

"Of course not, Louis. You're sick. We understand."

Liam smile humorously. Apparently, Louis child attitude still there. He ruffle Louis hair lovingly. Louis just smile shyly, again.

When they reach the dining room, the boys fight each other just to hug him, even Paul too.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Easy guys! Stop fighting, will you? Louis's not an object to be struggling, you know?"

Liam wiggling his eyebrows jokingly. They burst in laughter, even Louis let out a small chuckle.

A few minutes later, they already calm down. Then Liam ask them to introduce themselves.

This time, they staring at Liam confusedly. But Liam throw a gaze that said 'just do it, I'll tell you later.'

They understand immediately. After the introduction, they're making a joke, eat and watch TV together. Like the days before Louis lost his memory.

But someone cry in his heart.

'If the situation at that house like this, I will be very happy, and I will not suffer again. Please, God. I don't want to go back to that house. Let me stay here more longer. I don't want to leave the feel of warmth and the peacefulness in this house.'

Then he try to smile again with his friends.

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