Chapter 2

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Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall just back from the beach. They decide to use Liam's car, that big enough for 4 people, even 5 if Louis there with them.

They also decide to have a sleep over in Liam's house, because they too lazy and too tired to go home. Besides, they still have a day off before Friday, when their concert start again.

"Wow! If Louis is here, it must be more lively, right?" Zayn, who sit at the back, broke the silence in the car.

"Yeah," Niall, who sit beside him chuckle," did you remember when we-..." Niall and Zayn continue their talking about the moments they 5 hanging out together, and laugh humorously when remember some funny events they did before.

Harry, who sit on the passenger side just bow his head, and twiddling his hands sadly.

"Harry? What happen?" Ask Liam whose driving the car.

Harry throw a glance at him,"oh, nothing, Li. Just tired."

Liam rolls his eyes,"don't lie to me, Harry, because I know when you all lie, including Louis. You and Louis often use the same reason... 'just tired'...come on, Haz! That's a stale reason, you know."

Harry suddenly chuckle. Liam just stare at him in confusion.

"What's so funny?"

"Just..." Harry clear his throat,"your talk,...'stale reason',...Harry mimick him, then chuckle again.

"Yeah, well, at least, I'm happy I can make you smile," Liam smile slightly.

Harry smile too,"thank's, Li."

"But...if I may know...what makes you sad recently?"

Harry sigh,"I just remember Louis."

"What about Louis?" Ask Zayn suddenly.

Harry jump a little,"Zayn! You startle me!"

"Oops! Sorry, Haz."

Harry shake his head,"well, when we drop him yesterday, I didn't go home directly."

They stare at him in confusion, but Liam quickly turn his gaze on the road.

"Yeah, I follow him. He insist that I better be home. Well, you know how persistent he is sometime. But I still want to accompany him, because I thought there's something off with him. Don't you think?"

They just nod and gesture him to continue the story.

"Then I ask him if he is sick? At first he didn't want to admit it. But eventually he said that yes, he's sick.

After that, we continue our walk to his home. But halfway there, he groan in pain, then grip his stomach before retched violently."

"Oh, my God," they sigh worriedly.

"So, you accompany him until home then?" Niall ask him.

Harry shake no and bow his head. They widened his eyes immediately.

Liam scold him,"Harry! It was night! Why didn't you-..."

"He didn't want to, Li!" Reply Harry quickly. He knows what's Liam going to say,"besides, his face was brighten a little."

"But, still, you should accompany him, Haz. Well, at least, you could just follow him without his known," Zayn said.

"Oh? Right. Why didn't I thought it before?" Harry slap his forehead,"stupid me."

"Hey, don't think like that, Haz. We can just visit him tomorrow," Liam suggested.

"Why not now?" Zayn ask suddenly.

"Are you kidding? It's almost midnight, Z! The path to his house is so dark. Only yesterday I feel eerie at there, until now, you know?" Harry shiver heavily.

"Maybe it's because you're a coward, Harry. Everyday Louis pass that way, but he seems fine," Zayn mock him.

"Hey! Don't mock me! If you pass that way, you must be scared too," Harry stick out his tongue to him.

"Of course not! I always pray before going anywhere," Zayn stick his tongue too.

Niall just chuckle of their banter.

"Boys! Boys! Stop now! Why don't you just call him now? For assurance if he's really fine," Liam said.

Harry sigh again,"that's the problem, Li. Yesterday I called him, but he didn't pick it up, until it directed to voice mail. Today, I called him too, but it's the same. He didn't pick it up until directed to voice mail, again. How could I not worried about him?" He looks so desperate.

"Really?" Niall ask him in disbelief,"okay, I'll try to call him now."

Niall dial Louis number, but seconds later, he close the phone and sigh,"voice mail too."

"Let me try," Zayn dial his number too, then sigh also,"damn! Now it's no tone," he rubs his face anxiously.

Liam frown concernedly,'where is Louis? Usually he always pick the phone? Or is his battery off? Or maybe he's not home? Or-..."

"...-am! Liam!" Harry pat his arm.

Liam blink in confusion,"huh? Haz?"

"We're on your driveway now," Harry pointed to Zayn and Niall that already stand in front of his doorway.

"Oh, sorry."

Liam grab the door handle of his car, but Harry still sat unmoving.


"If you see him last night, Li..." Harry tears start to drip down, but he wipe it quickly,"I didn't like saw him in pain."

"Oh, Haz," Liam hug him tight," let's just pray Louis is fine, alright?"

Harry nodded weakly.

"Come on, don't let them wait any longer," Liam point to Zayn and Niall whose still standing nervously.

When Liam open the door, they plop down on the living room couch immediately. They all have a same thought,"is Louis alright?"

Liam stare at their face, that looks restless and anxious, with a sigh,"guys! Please don't be like that. How about we take a rest now, and tomorrow we can visit Louis in the morning?"

They nodded weakly and get in their room straightforward. A few minutes later they all fall asleep immediately, except Zayn.

He can't sleep until before dawn. He don't know why? Maybe he's too worried about Louis?

Eventually, he decide to worship at dawn. (a/n:it's called solat subuh, I don't know in English, sorry), and pray for their safety and their health, especially for Louis. They all really love him like a brother.

After solat subuh, he open the window in his room, while look at the beautiful stars up there, until he heard something.

'Huh? What is it?' He try to sharpen his hearing. There, he heard it again. It's sounds like a groan,'I think it's from the backyard,' he thought.

He start to walk out of his room, but hesitant a little,'what about the others?' He continue to thought, 'Ah, forget it. Just let them sleep.'

Then, he continue his walks towards the backyard.

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