Chapter 6

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The days after, there is no concert, interview and any other activities that connected to One Direction.

Luckily, after Paul explain to management about the situation, they understand and can give them a break, but it's just until 3 months.

If at that time Louis's not health yet, they still must do the concert and the other activities, even without Louis.

Of course the boys don't want to ignore Louis like that. That's why they trying hard to bring back Louis memory. Started with showing him their photos, their videos at YouTube, until their account on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

But it seems useless. Even Louis is more confuse, and sometimes it make him dizzy. If that's happen, the boys do not dare to continue their effort again.

And now Louis, whose still stay at Liam's, seems more distancing himself. It's like he always scare of someone or something.

If there's a knock at the door, he quickly run to his bedroom, not want to come out, except they are Harry, Niall, Zayn or Paul.

It's continue like that until almost 2 months later. One Direction personnels start to desperate. They don't know what to do again, and they don't have much time anymore.

One day, they stay at Liam's house again, just for lessen their boredom. Well, what do you say? They don't sing for almost 3 months, and it's like that, singing is already planted to their blood.

"Where is Louis? Usually, if we come, he always join us," Harry ask while play with his handphone.

"He's still sleeping. I don't have a heart to wake him up," Liam answer him.

"Oh, what happen? Is he sick again?"

"No, no. It's just, recently he often have the nightmares. It make him only can sleep at dawn."

"Oh, poor him. What dream does he have?" Niall ask Liam.

"I don't know. He didn't want to talk about it."

"Maybe it's about his memory," Zayn said.

"Yeah, maybe."

At that time, Harry's handphone beep, the sign that there is 1 notification. His attention back to it again. The other boys just rolls his eyes.

"I think it's time to tell his mother, Li. Maybe she can help us to bring back his memory," Niall said again.

"Yeah, I thought about it too. But how? Besides I don't think I could tell her about his condition. Louis now is very different with Louis that we known before."

"Mmm...maybe Harry can tell her. He is the most closest to Louis, and surely, he is closer to his mother too. Right, Harry?"

They turn their attention to Harry whose now looking at his handphone with his eyes widening and pale face.

"Harry?" Liam call him.

No response. Even he's not move an inch.

"Harry!" Liam yell now.

Still no response. Finally, Niall snatch away his handphone, and look at the screen. Just then Harry blink and turn his gaze to him, still looks shock.

Now, it's Niall that looks so shock.

"W-what is this?" He's stuttering the question.

Liam snatch away the handphone too, and read it. Zayn whose also want to know, stand up hurriedly and stay behind Liam before look at the screen from above his shoulder.

Apparently it's a notification from twitter that read: @RealTiara@HarryStyles: help, I've been locked with louis tomlinson...(a/n: sorry if the type is wrong, and this is not a real account, it's just my imagination)

Liam frown in confusion, Louis still sleep, isn't he? Or maybe... he's been kid-..."shit!"

He stand up quickly and his shoulder collide with Zayn's jaw whose still behind him without his known.

"Ow! Liam!" Zayn grip his jaw and stumble back a little.

"Ouch! Sorry, Z. I just-..."

"Good afternoon, guys!" Louis greet them suddenly.

The boys stop immediately, and hung his mouth while lock their gaze to him.

"Uh, w-what happen? Why you all look at me like that?" Louis ask, sounds a bit frightened.

His words pull out the boys from their trance.

"Oh, nothing, Lou. Come sit down," Liam guide him to the couch, before pull him in a side hug.

"Damn! We've been prank! Damn them!" Niall curse loudly.

"Niall!" Liam scold him.

"Sorry, Li. I'm just mad. How could they do that? Louis still here, and he's fine."

"Hey, hey, hey. What happen guys? Why my name's being called? And who has prank you?" Louis ask in confusion and anxiousness.

Just then, Harry's phone ringing again.

"Now, who is this?!"

Harry huff, but still pick it up without see the ID caller.

"Haz! Help us! Trace this number! Quick!"

Harry frown,"hello?"

"We're out of time, Haz! Hurry!"

The call disconnected. But Harry's eyes still at the screen. He looks more shock now.

"That's...that's not possible... not possible," Harry mumbling to himself.

"Harry?" Zayn ask carefully.

"That's...that's..." Harry turn to Louis slowly,"that's from you, Lou."


The boys yell in shock with their widening eyes.

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