Chapter 4

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The next morning, Paul whose apparently their bodyguard and tour manager, really came with a doctor.

Zayn whose almost can't sleep hug him immediately.

"Alhamdulillah! You came, Paul! We were really worried and we don't know what to do anymore."

Zayn's voice sounds so croak, like he want to cry again.

Paul pat his back,"'s okay, Zayn. Louis will be alright. He's a brave boy. Does he awake yet?"

Zayn shake his head sadly.

"That's alright. The important thing is, now I have a doctor. This is doctor Tommy, Zayn. Doctor Tommy, this is Zayn."

They introduce themselves before walk in Zayn's room. After doctor Tommy check Louis up, he sigh sympathetically.

"How is he, doc?" Niall ask him the first time.

"He's suffering a stomach flu. But the wounds seems happen for long enough. Did you know how he got it?"

They shake their heads.

"We didn't know either, doc. The last time we meet him he looks fine. Well, yes, he was rather sick. But as long as we know, he didn't have the wounds like that, and he never be treated roughly by anyone," Harry explain him.

"Hmm...when the last time did you see him?"

"2 days ago," now Liam answer him.

Doctor Tommy frown his eyebrows.

"2 days? But the wounds looks from about 1 week or more ago?"

The boys and Paul frown in confusion too.

"But that's alright. Now I just give him the medicines first, okay?" Doctor Tommy said again.

They nodded slowly.

Then doctor Tommy take out some painkillers, also, the medicines for his fever and nausea. Even for the diarrhea, if it's needed.

He suggest that, Louis must take a lot of rest and drink a lot of water.

"What about the wounds,doc? Is it needed a special treatment?" Paul suddenly ask.

"No, no. It's fine. It seems that Louis can handle it himself. But if something bad happen, please call me again, alright?"

"Alright. Thank you, doc," they reply him together.

After doctor Tommy leave, they discussing about the concert tomorrow. Finally they decided to cancel it.

"Alright, boys. I'll talk about this with management. Take care of Louis and yourself, okay?"

Paul start to walk away.

"Paul?" Liam call him suddenly.

Paul turn to him,"yes, Li?"

"Should we call Louis's mother? I didn't have a heart to tell her. She must be in shock if sees Louis's condition," Liam bow sadly.

"Mmm...I don't think so, not yet. Maybe we must wait for him to awake first. After that, we can talk about this anymore, alright?"

They just nodded sadly.

"Okay. I'll go now, boys. See you later," Paul wave at them.

They wave him back before sat silently. Be involved in their own thought.

A few minutes later, a weak groan heard from the bed. And Louis start to open his eyes.

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