Please Read

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This chapter isn't really necessary. I'm just trying to reach 20 chapters in total. Hehe.

Hello bestianas. You've reached the end of my lame fanfiction. Congratulations, you've handled the cringe. 

I tried so hard PLS and I've concluded, this isn't my cup of tea, really. I had a huge plot twist in mind which was kind of angsty. But I felt like it wasn't worth it, 'ya know. I think it would be unfair of me to not give them the ending they deserve after everything. And it would be painful for me too HAHAHA. Though, I also think would make the story really interesting if I did that twist. So am I regretting my decisions? kind of. 

Now, I know this isn't the best Bade story.  But I did what I could (Seriously, I don't handle criticism very well so please don't come at me). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I "enjoyed" writing it. That's all I got to say. <3

Watch Dynasty on the CW starring Liz Gillies! It's amazing, I swear. Let's manifest for a Victorious finale and revival too. Fingers crossed. 


- West. 

P.S. Nawt me writing this as if I actually had some readers. I'm pretty sure I'm going to look back at this stupid writing in a year or two and then set myself on f!re out of embarrassment.

P.S again.

It's been a few months. I came back to this and woah, some of y'all actually read it! lmao. I wasn't sure if this was okay because reading the title is cringing the shit out of me already, so thank you! I appreciate y'all <3

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