Mind games and Uno

336 12 4

(cringey art go brrr)

Luz stared at the cards in her hand, contemplating her next move. Her brows furrowed slightly, as she waited to see what her opponents did next. Gus, Willow, and Amity did that same, although, Amity seemed a little smug, while Boscha was smirking, looking confident. Gus seemed nervous, as he placed his card down, switching the color needed. Everybody was silent, Luz taking on a more nervous expression, foot tapping the ground, slightly, ever so quietly. Willow was next, placing a plus two card, staring at Amity with a slightly mischievous smile.

Add two. 

Amity grinned back, placing her own plus two card, then smirking at Boscha.

Add four.

Boscha sneered at Luz, placing yet another  plus two card. "What's next, human?" she leered.

Add six.

Luz gulped nervously, before letting out a shaky whimper, setting down a plus two card as well.

Add eight.

Everybody raised their eyebrows judgmentally, causing the human to with two cards left to shrink back. Gus looked at his cards, terrified, before relaxing substantially, laying down another plus card.

Add ten.

Tensions were building up quickly, becoming thicker by the second. Willow sighed, accepting defeat. Grabbing ten cards, Willow decided to ignore the unnerving grin Boscha had on her face for now. "Your turn, Amity."

The Blight hummed, placing a Wild card down. "Blue." 

Boscha scrolled through her cards, before letting out a low growl, snatching a card off the top quickly. She grumbled, before taking a glance at her cards again. Luz slid a blue three, mumbling "Uno." weakly.

Gus grabbed a card as well.

Willow placed a green three, before turning to Amity.  Amity closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Amity let out a sigh, placing a skip turn card.

Boscha let out a offended shriek, startling everybody. "BLIGHT! HOW DARE YOU!" she screeched, slamming her hands on the table. 

Luz jumped, falling off her chair. She let out a squeak, hitting her head against the floor. "Owie..."

That's when chaos broke loose.

Meanwhile, with the adults...

Eda was sitting with Alador and Oldalia, chugging a bottle of apple blood. Alador is asleep, while Oldalia was questioning how the fuck she got there. Suddenly, an explosion was heard in the distance. Eda blinked.

"Anyways, my kid is better then your spawn because-"

The end.

Deleted scenes:

Gus grabbed a card as well.

Willow placed a green three, before turning to Amity. The witch was about to place a card down, when she heard somebody giggling. Her already irritated nerves caused her to take a glance up, annoyed, to attempt to find the perpetrator.

Luz stared right back, muffling her giggles with her hand. Amity suddenly felt very nervous.

Luz's eyes were cold, smile all teeth. A whole one eighty from not even a few seconds ago. She went unnoticed by everyone but Amity.

Amity closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. When she opened them, Luz looked concerned, eyes soft. Amity let out a sigh, placing a skip turn card. She decided to ask about the sudden mood change later.

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