puppets woaaah

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Hey there pookies and everyone else I'm BAAAACK!!

for a while? Probably not!

But I have something I cooked up a while ago for anyone who's still here!

In my edgy Twink phase, sorry for any grammatical errors.

TW: Idk semi cannibalism? Kidnapping? Maybe? Uhhh body control ig

The walls of the Owl House creaked. Hooty was off somewhere, blabbering to some poor soul. King was squealing his tyrannical head off, and Eda was cackling.

The atmosphere of the Owl House was homey.

Luz's bones creaked.

She laid on her sleeping bag, aimlessly staring up into nothing. Her heart was cold, if she even had a heart. She didn't know if she had a body anymore, a body of her own.

Is she even Luz?

She thumbed her left ear, feeling the small indent where her earring used to sit. Technically, it wasn't even hers. Her real one was lost somewhere, tossed to the side when Eda replaced it.

Her mind was a swimming mess of tar. Why was she so naive? Why did she trust Eda? Eda was the most wanted criminal in the Boiling Isles, after all. Her list of crimes aren't all petty. Why did Luz not notice how easily the witch let her in? How friendly she was, in her odd ways?

She told her mom that she thought she'd like it here. Luz had only expected to stay for the summer, and go back to the human realm after.

Now she'll never see her mom again. All because of her stupid trusting self.

Luz's eyes clicked.

The dust stacked up in her room. In the little corners, behind any objects, in Luz. She knew there was dust in herself, somewhere. She wanted to be clean. But Luz was scared, deep down. If she loosened a thread, would her body fall apart at the seams? Luz was awful at sewing on anything but a flat surface, and never on her own body.

Her Mami would know what to do. But she was a world away, and Eda won't let her see her mother again.

Even if Luz did sneak out, Eda could just pull a few strings and Luz would be right back, stuck in her body. If Eda wanted, Luz would tear herself apart and burn. All it took was a few commands, a few of Luz's threads tugged. She could dance on a stage endlessly, each step a string plucked, her body controlled by harp in a musicless melody.

Luz was a puppet, all ways but in her mind.

Her wooden hands and feet clacked against the ground, forever cold. Her stuffing filled body and her wood bones twisted unnaturally, croaking in protest at every move. It grated on Luz's fuzzy ears, but Luz didn't want to ask for Eda's help with her joints. She didn't ever want Eda's help again.

She couldn't trust that wretched witch. Or maybe it was the universe's way of karma. For all the times Luz messed up, for being a burden on her mother. Now Luz didn't need to eat, sleep, or drink anything. She could lay in the attic to collect dust if her creator so wanted. Luz couldn't protest, in the end. Who would care?

Certainly not Eda. She made this cursed body. King? He’s far too childish. Hooty? That foul bird tube would never leave Eda’s side.

Luz's body aches. At least, part of her hoped. She wanted to feel something, anything. She wanted it to not be her own delusions, to have something of her own. Even pain would be preferable to emptiness.

But she'll never have that. She hopes and prays and works to find a cure, but deep down she knows better. Luz knows that she'll never have that normalcy again. She will never feel real again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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