Creative Writing

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(pretend that I didn't f up and it reads as Lilith Noceda ok)
Haha lol I wrote this story for school and it was fun so imma put it here

Of all the things Lilith disliked about mornings, waking up was on top of the list.

She let out a groan, throwing her arm over her face. “No...” She pulled her covers over her face, letting out a long sigh. I don't wanna go… She closed her eyes, briefly going through her schedule in her mind.

    After a few minutes of quiet, a thud echoed in the distance.

    “GET UP SASHA! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DO SASHA THINGS!” her ever-so-helpful roommate's voice rang out, hurting her ears. Lilith would never know how Jane is always so excited and loud.

    “Shut up!” she shouted back.
Slowly, she slid out of bed reluctantly. With a humph, Lilith stretched, yawning hugely. A knock at the door gave her a pause.

    “Open the door, Lilith!” Her other roommate, Sasha, pleaded.

    Lilith took a deep breath, unlocking the door. Immediately, the door was thrown open, nearly smacking her face. Sasha flung herself in, slamming the door with a bang, and collapsing on the floor. Lilith blinked, before crouching down next to the other girl. “What happened?”

    Sasha only was able to open her mouth before the door let out a loud squeak, causing the girl to stiffen. Lilith and she looked up to see Jane poking her head in, her trademark feral smile plastered across her face.
    The door slowly creaked open more.

    Lilith slowly raised a nearby sandal.

    The door slowly closed.

    With a click, Jane’s tell-tale skip steps were her announcement of future revenge.

    “Ohmagawd thank you.” Sasha wheezed out. Lilith bonked Sasha, before scooping her up.

“Okay, I need to get ready, so bye~!” She chirped, tossing Sasha out. The girl landed on the other side with a squeak. Lilith took a deep breath, and let out a long, suffering sigh. She then went to get ready for the day, already on autopilot. She passed by a photo frame, freezing in her tracks.

Lilith stared at the photo inside, then grabbed it gently. She held it in her hands.

It was a photo of her family. Lilith was in the back, wearing a black suit. Her two sisters, Lucia and Lenora, were a little bit closer to the camera, on both sides of her. They were both wearing flannel shirts, with overalls. Their mother, Camila, was in the very front, in a red, black, purple, marigold yellow and white dress. Camila had a tired smile, while Lucia and Luz were attempting to make a sillier face than the other. Lilith had a stern, yet amused expression on her face, hand on both sisters’ shoulders. They all wore painted skulls on their faces.
Lilith smiled, before wincing internally, remembering one of the last times she was ever with her family.

It started years ago.
Two figures stared at each other, one glaring, the other exasperated.
"Look, I know you think you're right, I can also see why you might think this is right-”
    "So why won't you help!?”
    "Because it won't help!”
    "How would you know!? You never talk to her! You're always busy with your work!” The younger’s tone was accusatory.
    "Because I'm trying to help the family! Mom was behind on the taxes!”
    "Why didn't you tell us!? We can too!”
    "This is something that you can't help with. You keep focusing on keeping Luz safe, and I support mom with the tax-”
    "NO!” The younger of the two, Lucia, shouted.
The older one, Lilith, closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead. She could already feel a migraine beginning.
"Um...Lilith?” Luz's soft voice came from the doorway of the living room, causing both of them to freeze. Lilith took a deep breath, before turning around and facing the child. "What's wrong?”
"Uh-” Lucia was cut off by Lilith stepping forward, crouching down slightly.
"Heyyyy, um...” Inside Lilith was internally screaming.
Okay, calm down Lilith.
She took a shaky breath, running a hand through her hair. Alrghty, mom needs help with the taxes. Lucia wants me to tell her about the taxes. But Luz’s here. So I can’t tell her, because Luz worries too much already-
"Lulu?” Luz's hand squishing her cheek snapped out her thoughts. Lilith blinked, before suddenly attacking her little sister's sides with tickles. Luz shrieked, trying to get away from the tickles. "UNHAND ME, YOU FIEND!”

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