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So like there's three for one bitch

so the first one is just Luz flying around, like at one time on wings, and the other time is her just flying, in a dream. so LIKE-

dream of someone else dreaming

Second two are sibling au

In the second one, Luz is in a car, being driven to some baseball thing with Amity and then Luz notices that Amity is sad and asks why, Amity explaining that Amelia took her chocolate and gave it to 12 other people. Luz was all like "that bITCH" and Amity kinda agreed, they went to the baseball camp, set several sparklers on fire, almost set a house on fire, then ate chocolate

In the final, Luz and the gang, along with Boscha, go to the human realm to canoe on some dangerous lake, with their sisters too.

So they get on the canoe, and Luz is teaching them on how to be safe and shit. Then Boscha says something like "what happens if you fall into the steaming water?" And Luz says some along the line of "don't worry, the water isn't steaming, it isn't boiling-" then they look over to the water to be that there is steam (it's actually mist tho) and Boscha is like "don't even know your own realm, do you human?" And Luz is sad from embarrassment

Then they go on the canoe, and at one point, Luz and Amity, who are one the same canoe, get into a argument. Flashback to a past thing, where Amity gives Luz another cheek kiss, then runs off again. Flashback being over, the fight ends with Luz breaking the paddle she was using to duel Amity, and pretty sure that Amity has said something hurtful, cuz then Luz jumped to the nearest shore and ran away crying.

Amity is like "noooo Luz come back I'm sorry" so everybody decides to help, by making a canoe bridge for Amity to get to shore (for some reason) and then Lucia's, Luz older sister, helped Amity off the bridge, and Amelia, Amity's older sister, had this embarrassing fursuit on because why not and teased Amity, while Amity tan to hug Luz and apologize, then giving her ANOTHER CHEEK KISS and everybody was like DAYM but Boscha was all >:( then they made up and were happy then i woke up

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