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Ok here me out

Sibling au

but Luz is the one with the brain cell

crazy shit, I know

But it would be funny ok

Lucia is everywhere, being edgy one minute, the next very excited because "HOLY FUCK A SHINY BUTTERFLY" and Luz is just in the back like "tf'

Lucia would be sent to summer camp, and Camila sent Luz too because she doesn't exactly trust Lucia to go alone.

So Lucia has a journal and Luz was just chilling, when Owlbert took the journal.

Lucia chases after the book and Luz follows because she needs to take care of her big sister.

So they went to the portal yey :D

Luz would be very concerned on why the fuCK are they in a new place and if that A FUCKING FAIRY LOOKING FOR SKIN

When Eda asking for help Luz is all "hell no we gotta go to camp"

It'd kinda go like this:


"So, what's it gonna be?" Eda smiled. "I mean," she shrugged. "It's not like you have any other way, after all."

Luz glared. "Look, if you were so reckless with your 'portal'..." she turned back, facing the door. "Then it shouldn't be too hard to-"

"You got it!" Lucia interrupted, grabbing onto Luz's hand and yanking her back. "We'll help the best we can!"

Luz jerked, pulling her hand free. "No, Lucia. This isn't some fun thing at home!"

I guess a problem Luz would have with Lucia is that she's too reckless, and that affects people around her why can't Lucia SEE THAT.

Luz feels like she can't say that out loud, however. Yk how Luz's dads dead? Yeah, Luz thinks it was her fault for being too much and getting people hurt because she didn't think of the consequences. So now she's a bit more cynical, a bit more realistic. Fun.

With the abomination tration, Lucia would be the one meeting Willow, but Luz gets dragged along because c'mon and slam, and welcome to the jam.

Anywyas das all cya :D

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