Chapter 2-the first day

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Every so often, Remus found himself missing his best friend, James Potter. Not just James,either.

He also missed being apart of The Mauradaers. His other best friend, Sirius Black, was in Azkaban for Peter Pettigrew's crimes. Remus knew this of course, he always knew Sirius was innocent, but he never said so.

A werewolves word would be nothing against witnesses.

It had been recently all over the news. Even the muggle news. He thought of back in his sixth year. James and Sirius had just discovered about his "monthlys."

They tried to talk about it.


"Remus, it's not your fault." Sirius had said looking into the werewolf's amber eyes. Remus had turned away, not wanting to make eye contact as his eyes filled with tears.

Suddenly, James walked in, grinning and holding a book in his hands. Remus and Sirius had both looked at him confused. Until, they saw the title of the book. " Advanced Transfiguration-Animagus" read a navy blue book with a gold stripe running down the spine.

Sirius smiled back at James then the two looked back at Remus. Remus sighed heavily and mumbled," if you really want to.."

End of flashback:

Suddenly, his reminiscing was over. A group of 4th year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins walked into his classroom.

"Good morning, class. First of all, there will be no prejudism of any sort in the classroom. You are all to try your absolute best and come see me if you need anything. Understood?"

He said zoning back into reality. "Yes, sir" the group chanted sleepily.

"Alright, then" he said stepping forward.

" I would like you all to write a footlong essay about yourselves. Tell me about your interests, hobbies, and anything else you find relevent."  He said to the group.

The students pulled out parchment and began writing.


Later that day, after he had taught Second year Ravenclaws and Gryffindor, Remus found himself remembering the days with James. He sat up and cleared his mind as he took a bite of dinner in the dining hall. Suddenly, he spotted something rather strange.

A boy who appeared to be about eleven or even ten, sitting with in-between the third year Gryffindors. That wasn't the strangest part, though.

This boy looked just like James! Same raven colored hair covering his forehead and crooked glasses.

The boy was chatting with a red headed freckle covered boy and a brown wavy haired girl whom was rolling her eyes as the boys laughed.

The raven haired boy looked over to the professors' table and as he did, Remus noticed he had emerald green eyes. They immediately reminded him Lily.

Then, it occurred to him. This was James and Lily's child. The amber eyed man checked his arm, in which he had written down the next day's schedule. And sure enough, he had 3rd year Gryffindors on the list.

He smiled to himself at the thought of finally remeeting the little boy he not seen for 12 years.

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