Chapter 5-the visit

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Dinner was over and everyone started heading back to there dorms.

Harry walked a little faster than everyone else hoping to avoid a run in with Professor Lupin, who had been concerned all day about how the boy was actually feeling.

Most of the students were hanging out in the common room doing homework and watching the news.

Harry had just finished his essay for his DADA class and he walked over to the television only to find out that an escaped murder was running around.

"Yes folks, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban 3 nights ago and his current whereabouts are unknown. There are however dementors currently guarding where they think Black might be hiding-"

the t.v was shut off by Neville who was heading to bed for the night
It had been a half hour later. Harry had removed his robe and was sitting in a long sleeve shirt and night pants. The few people left in the common room were all in shorts and t-shirts however.     
"Blimey, mate how are you not melting in those clothes?" Said Ron who was sweating and fanning himself.

Harry shrugged. He had not yet told anyone why he never wore shorts or t-shirts.

"Guys! The AC finally works upstairs!" Yelled Neville and Hermione at the same time.

And with that everyone besides Harry headed to bed. Once he knew the coast was clear, Harry pulled the blade of broken dirty glass out of his pocket.

He almost never cut his arm or legs. There was not enough space due to bruises, blisters, and scars all courtesy of his oh so loving uncle.

Harry pulled down his shirt just enough so his shoulder was free. He sliced the cut and immediately started oozing blood. he flinched for a second, but then stared at the deep wound feeling better about things.

As he looked at the wound someone walked through the door and Harry dropped the blade on the floor.

The blood was starting to soak through his green shirt and before he could even see who it was he said

"It's not what it looks like!" He stepped back slightly and felt a sharp pain on his foot. Suddenly, the room turned dark.

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now