The Truth Comes Out Part 2

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Remus was sitting on one of the beds. Harry had gone to take a shower and Remus knew he had to talk to him.

He heard the water turn off and knew it was only a matter of time until he had to face Harry.

While he waited for Harry to get dressed, he turned on the television.

"That's right folks, Sirius Black has been declared a trial at 5pm this afternoon after being captured in Hogsmeade. Black claims that Peter Pettigrew was responsible for his crimes. The trial will be held under veritaserum and--" 

Remus shut off the t.v. Harry had just entered the room and all though he was elated his best friend, may be free, his main priority now was that Harry was alright. " Harry, sit down please I'd like to talk to you" he said to him.

Harry bit his lip, he didnt say anything, he just sat down. " Harry, where did you get all these injuries?"

He said looking into the boy's emerald green eyes. "The Dursleys" Harry whispered, looking away."

"That's terrible Harry, you didn't deserve it. Is that all?" He said, knowing the answer.

Harry shook his head and muttered a quick and silent "no." Remus felt terrible.

He thought back to when he found out Sirius cut his wrists back in the Mauradaers 4th year.

He put his arm around him and started rubbing his back.

Harry, who had tears in his eyes was biting his lip extremely hard to keep from crying in front of his professor, again.

After a couple minutes, Remus pulled apart and Harry stopped biting his lip, which was now bleeding.

Remus reached into his pocket and pulled out a tissue, which he dabbed Harry's lip with.

Harry showed a small hint of a smile and Remus half smiled back.

He reached into his pocket again and pulled out the piece of dirty glass covered in dry blood and with a slightly straighter face said, "This was stuck to your foot yesterday. Any chance you have more?"

Harry nodded and pulled out a small kitchen blade and a sharp rock from his pocket, both covered in dry blood.

"Well there's no need for these anymore. Your not going back there" Remus said. Harry looked confused

"What does he mean?" Harry thought. Remus could tell Harry was confused and he didn't respond.

He just turned on the t.v. "Okay folks, no need to worry, it appears Sirius Black was proven innocent after his trial. He will however, be in Saint Mungo's until about Late May."

Again, Harry looked confused.

"Harry, Can I tell you something?" Harry nodded " Sirius Black also knew me and your father."

Remus continued "When you were born, he was named your godfather."

Harry's green eyes were wide now, looking at the amber eyed man with shock.

"When your godfather was sent to Azkaban, he told me 2 things, 1, that Peter Pettigrew was responsible for his crimes. And 2, that if and when he was free, you were going to live with him."

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now