A Start of New Relationships Pt.2

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Sirius quickly and quietly manouvered downstairs and shut the door loudly instead.

Harry and Remus came downstairs with minutes.

"Are you alright, Sirius?" Harry asked shyly.

"I'm okay, Pup." Sirius said reassuringly swiftly kissing Harry's messy hair. Harry smiled and Sirius internally smirked at Harry and Remus's new found (platonically) relationship and the fact that he now knew that his best friend has been in love with him all this time.

Remus interrupted the momentary silence. "I think it's time we make breakfast. You hungry, Harry?"

Harry smiled and nodded before following Remus into the kitchen. Sirius began cooking eggs and bacon while Remus and Harry had a quiet conversation behind him.

Once he was done, Sirius set three plates of eggs, toast, and bacon on the kitchen island and the trio dug in.

Once Harry was done, he excused himself to work on school assignments and Sirius saw his moment.

"So you finally talked to Harry, eh?" Sirius asked smugly.

"Yeah, he really is great. I'm glad a finally talked to him as a caregiver and not just a teacher. I should've talked to him sooner." Remus said.

"Told you so!" Sirius said.

Remus sighed and rolled his eyes.

"So uh I kinda returned from my walk and-" Sirius began, but was interrupted by a "Yes!" from upstairs.

The two ran up with seconds only to find Harry on the telephone looking extremely excited. He was jumping up and down.

"Harry, what's so exciting that you screeched in happiness?" Sirius asked, smirking.

"Nothing!" Harry responded too quickly before mumbling something into the telephone and hanging up. Sirius raised a brow and Remus gave a confused look.

"Who were you on the phone with?" Sirius said with a knowing look.

"Just a friend!" Harry said.

"Which 'friend' might that be?" Sirius asked smugly.

"Uh, Ron?" Harry said, his answer sounding more like a question than he had intended.

"Why don't you invite Ron over tomorrow night? You could play quidditch in the yard." Sirius said.

"Uh, yeah. That sounds great, Sirius." Harry said smiling with the subject change as well.

"Okay, do you wanna play chess downstairs, Harry?" Remus said, joining the conversation.

"Sure." Harry said, shrugging and allowing himself to be steered to the living room once again.

Once they were downstairs, one game of chess lead to another and a comment by Lupin lead Sirius to pull out the baby albums.

While Sirius and Remus laughed at Baby Harry's antics. They were to busy to notice Harry going upstairs and grabbing an album of pictures of his parents at Hogwarts multiple of which included Sirius getting into mischief and  Remus with his nose in a book with almost every picture.

It was like this until dinner. Sirius cooked again and the food was delicious, much to Remus and Harry's surprise.

After eating, Harry worked on a bit of homes and gave his goodnights to the dog and the wolf. Harry fell asleep right after his head hit the pillow which gave Sirius time to finally talk to Mooney.

They sat in the kitchen. Remus with a cup of earl grey and Sirius with a shot of firewhiskey.

"So, uh, I got home earlier and I went upstairs, hoping to frighten you. But sometimes...with the whole animagus thing, you overhear some stuff." Sirius said.

Remus had a blank expression on his face besides his eyes, which were filled with fear.

"What? What did you hear? How much of that did you hear?" Remus said rapidly.

"Enough.." Sirius said smirking.

"So you know about everything?" Remus asked quietly.

"Precisely." Sirius said smugly.

"And what do you think of all of, uh, that?"Remus said blurry like.

"Well it does come as a bit of a shock that you best friend is actually in love with you and has been writing fake letters under the name "Nick" for years, eh, Remus?" Sirius said, raising an eyebrow.

"Suppose so.." Remus mumbled.

"But James always told me that you looked at me the same we he looked at Lily. Always suspected it, but I never had enough proof, y'know?" Sirius askew.

Remus nodded.

"Yes, well my Uncle Alphard used to say that, 'Things can always have a way of working out' and I think I believe him a bit more now." Sirius said.

"What. What does that mean?" Remus asked.

Sirius got out of his chair and put his face in inch from Remus's before whispering, "Whatever you want it to"

He backed away and finished his shot.

"I'm going to check on Harry and get some sleep. Don't stay up too late, we have a kid now, y'know?" Sirius.

Remus sat there in shock for about ten minutes before giving in for the night.

I know this was short but at least we finally got somewhere in the story right?

The rest of the chapters will mostly be Wolf star figuring out what to do with a kid for the rest of the summer. so if there's something you wanna see, lemme know.

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now