The Truth Comes Out Part 1

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Remus walked into the Gryffindor common room not expecting to witness what he just did.

He had stopped by hoping he could ask Harry about school and how he is really doing.

Instead, when he walked Harry had said "its not what it looks like" right before he collapsed on the floor.

Remus ran over and picked the boy up. Surprised by the fact that he didn't way much more than a stack of textbooks.

He noticed that no one else was around and tried to be as quick and quiet as possible.

He rushed to the hospital and while carrying Harry he noticed that he could feel Harry's ribs. He then noticed a piece of glass stuck to Harry's right foot.

Before he had time to wonder, he was at the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey was just about to greet him but then noticed that Harry was being carried by Remus. "Get him on the bed please" she said while Remus nodded.

Remus layed the unconscious Harry on the white hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey asked Remus what had happened and Remus told the story.

After he was done, Madam Pomfrey murmured for Remus to remove Harry's shirt. They both gasped suddenly when Harry's shirt was removed.

He had about 20 scars on each of his arms and bruises all over his back. He also had burn marks all over his stomach and chest and his ribs were way more noticeable now.

Madam Pomfrey got to work right away applying ointments and bandaging the deep wound on Harry's shoulder. Throughout the whole process, Remus was silent.

His heart had sank to his stomach when he first saw all the injuries. His eyes filled with tears thinking about how much pain Harry had already gone through.

Finally, Madam Pomfrey was done and had informed Remus that Harry's body was feeling so much pain that Harry had just passed out. "He'll be staying the night here and you may stay on on the couch if you'd like. " She said to Remus. The amber eyed man just nodded and settled on the couch right next to Harry knowing he wasn't going to be able to sleep.

He was just starting to doze off when suddenly he sat up.

He realized that he never stopped to think. Why exactly did Harry have so many injuries?

Madam Pomfrey walked in at that moment. "Madam Pomfrey, what are the causes of all Harry's injuries? He said hoping it wasn't what he thought it might be.

"Well Remus, most of these injuries are on Harry's back which he can't even reach, so I would assume that life at home isn't as "fine" as he says it is. " Remus was angry now. Damn those muggles! He thought.

He turned to Harry still unconscious and then back to Madam Pomfrey. "What's wrong?'' he said back to Madam Pomfrey. "I think most of these injuries were caused at home, however.." she stopped "However what?" questioned Remus.

"Something tells me he might have done this to himself" she murmered back.  Remus felt like crying. He watched as the poor boy layed there, peacefully sleeping as though he had never felt pain.

Remus knew that wasn't true sadly. Harry had felt lots of pain. It was very obvious. Remus nodded to Madam Pomfrey sadly and went back to the couch.

He dozed off before he could cry knowing that Harry had gone through so much and he wasn't able to save him before.


Remus woke up at the crack of dawn. He looked at the clock. 5:45. He knew Harry wouldn't be up for a while so he grabbed a book off the nightstand next to Harry's bed and began reading.

After about an hour, Remus heard Harry groan.

The boy sat up and opened his eyes. He looked confused at first, then scared, and after realizing he didn't have a shirt on, tears began falling from his emerald green eyes.

Remus got off the couch and ran over to put his arm around Harry, who flinched at first and then began crying harder.

Remus held on to Harry for about 10 minutes until finally he stopped crying. Remus let go of of Harry who still hadn't said a word and walked into the hospital kitchen.

A couple minutes later, he returned with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and two mugs of hot chocolate. "Hungry?" He asked Harry.

Harry didn't say anything, he just nodded. The green eyed boy nibbled at the cookies and took small sips of the cocoa as Remus did the same.

Remus got out of his chair and turned the t.v on to a muggle t.v show. He and Harry watched the show for about an hour and a half until Madam Pomfrey walked in to check on Harry.

"Good morning Harry, feeling better?" Harry once again nodded. Madam Pomfrey gave Harry potions and left after about 30 minutes.

Harry and Remus continued with the show for about 30 minutes until it was 12 o clock. Madam Pomfrey returned right then.

"Harry, you're welcome to stay as long as you'd like but if you want to leave you're free to go."

Harry nodded and got out of bed. His shirt was on the nightstand and he slipped it on.

He was just about to head to the Gryffindor common room when Remus stopped him.

" Harry, how about we go back to my dorm and I make you lunch?" Harry thought for a second and realized he was quite ravenous.

"Yes please" he muttered back. Remus smiled back and glad that Harry was talking.
Remus unlocked his dorm room and lead Harry in. There was two beds in the bedroom/living room a kitchen and a small bathroom with a closet

" You can read or watch television while I make lunch  if you'd like" he stated. He got to work on lunch and made Harry and himself cheeseburgers.

When they were done he called Harry in from watching t.v and they both ate like they hadn't eaten in years.

After they were done eating, Remus realized he couldn't hold it off any longer. He had to find out the truth....

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now