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After they were done shopping, Sirius shrank his godson's clothes and tucked them in his pocket.

Sirius led Harry into a muggle diner across the street.

The diner was somewhat full, but they seated themselves in the very back, which was almost empty.

Sirius sat down in the booth next to Harry and handed him a menu.

"Get anything you'd like, Harry."
Sirius said after seeing Harry's questioning look.

"Um, alright. I'll use the bathroom first, though. " Sirius nodded and Harry pulled his sweatshirt over his head revealing an oversized long sleeve shirt.

Harry reached into his sweatshirt pocket and grabbed something and tucked it in his jeans pocket before leaving his sweatshirt on the booth seat and going to the bathroom.

Sirius sat there curious about what he took. He didn't have much time to think, though. Harry arrived just then with his sleeves up to his elbows.

"Good thing you rolled up your sleeves, it's getting too hot. Anyways, have you decided what to order?" Sirius asked.

"I think I'll get toast and a glass of water." Harry replied

Sirius was about to say something but just then the waitress arrived.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The woman asked.

"I'll have a-" Harry said but he was cut off by Sirius's voice.

"He'll have a cheeseburger and fries with a chocolate milkshake and I'll have a steak with mashed potatoes and a milkshake as well."

Harry smiled at Sirius and Sirius gave him a wink as the waitress wrote down the order.

"Thank you, Sirius!" Harry exclaimed. Cheeseburgers were his favorite food and he was actually starving but didn't want to be a bother.

"Yeah, Moony told me you like Cheeseburgers and chocolate."

Harry smiled at him once again.

"So, uh I think we should talk..."
Sirius said.

He was however interrupted by the food arriving at the table.

As soon as the waitress left and he knew no one was looking, Sirius casted a privacy ward around himself and Harry.

"So, Moony told me there was an incident earlier in the school year. Can you tell me something about that?" Sirius said taking a bite of his steak.

" Yeah, um he caught me doing something.. and I, uh ended up in the hospital wing." Harry said quietly.

"Mhm, well I suppose you may not want to talk about it, but I think we should soon to make sure your relatives pay and I know you're okay." Sirius said

"Yeah, okay." Harry nodded.

"We can talk later. I was also hoping to get you a check up sometime soon because I checked your file and you don't seem to have a medical record outside of Hogwarts."Sirius said.

"Yeah, I've never gone to the doctors. I went to hospital once when I was 5 but that's pretty much it. "

"Oh, what for?" Sirius questioned .

" I almost drowned..." Harry murmured.

Sirius nodded and smiled sympathetically.

They finished their meal without barely talking and headed home.


Once they arrived to Black Manor, Sirius and Harry headed up to Harry's room to organize his wardrobe.

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now