Shopping and Catching Up

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As soon as he could hear his Godson's soft breathing, Sirius stepped away from the door and headed downstairs to catch up with the awaiting amber eyed man.

Remus was waiting on the recliner with a glass of pumpkin juice in his hand. When he saw Sirius coming down the stairs, he summoned another glass and placed it on the coffee table.

"Wouldn't fire whiskey be better, Moony?''

"Padfoot, you have a child to watch after. I hardly think Harry would want to wake up to you after a hangover."

Sirius rolled his eyes but continued drinking the pumpkin juice.

"So, Moony, how have you been? Surprised you lasted a day without me, let alone 12 years." He said with a smirk.

Now it was Remus's turn to roll his eyes. "Sure you, dog."

"Whatever, Remy. Now, tell me about Harry." He said

Remus sighed, "Where do I begin?"

"Well, for one, why is he so tense and nervous? I surely thought the son of Prongs would be more outgoing and sneaky." Sirius replied.

"Yeah, there was a bit of an incident before you were freed. I don't wanna go into to much detail as it's not my story to tell, but let's just say his relatives were far from loving." Remus said.

Sirius looked angry, and Remus could've sworn he saw steam coming out of his ears.

"Calm down. He hasn't even opened up to me too much about it. Poppy healed him but she advised someone asked him about it soon, so they could press charges, and possibly get him a mind healer." Remus replied.

"I can be a mind healer. James wouldn't talk about his problems and he had said I'll tell you about my problems when you're a mind healer, Paddy. So I got a muggle degree in psychology just to piss him off."

Remus looked surprised but he also rolled his eyes.

"I told him I'd take him shopping tomorrow. I'll try to get him to open up."

Remus nodded.

They spent another hour laughing and catching up until Remus headed home in the floo and Sirius up to his bedroom.

He was on his way to bed when he stopped at the door if Harry's room. He quietly opened the door and looked at the messy haired boy. His nightshirt was long sleeved but he could see an old wound at the tip of his wrist. He had a feeling this wound wasn't the only one.

Oh, Harry...

He cleared his mind and gave the boy another kiss on his messy hair, before closing the door and going to bed.


Harry's eyelids fluttered open to a light filled room.

For a moment, he forgot where he was.
Untill, a smiling man ruffled his hair and the previous night's memories came flooding back to him.

"Good morning, Siriu-" he cut himself off. I need to be less rude, otherwise, he'll do what uncle did, he thought. "Sir." He completed his statement.

"Oh please, Harry. Sir makes me sound old. Call me Sirius."

Harry half smiled and nodded as he got out of bed. His sleeve went up a bit and he quickly pulled it down, not wanting his godfather to see the horrors beneath.

Sirius raised his eyebrow, still smiling at the boy. " You alright, Harry?" Harry nodded. "Alright then, kiddo, let's go eat breakfast."

Harry was surprised at the thought of breakfast but suddenly grateful when he realized how hungry he actually was.

He followed his godfather downstairs and felt his stomach grumble when he smelled pancakes.

The man sat down in front of a tower of pancakes and patted the seat next to him, signaling to his hungry godson to sit down.

Harry followed orders and sat down. He grabbed a small pancake off the tower and poured syrup on it before devouring it in a minute.

"Oi, that's barely enough for a 5 year old. You need to gain a little weight. " He said while stacking two larger pancakes on Harry's plate.

The two finished breakfast shortly after. "Go get dressed, we're going shopping, pup."

The boy smiled and nodded, looking slightly surprised at his godfather's antics.

He ran upstairs and returned ten minutes later with a baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.

"It's gonna be hot out there. You sure you don't wanna wear a t-shirt instead?"

Harry shook his head looking a little nervous.

"Alright then. Let's head out. Hold on to my arm."

Harry did as he was told and soon after he found himself in muggle London next to his godfather.

Sirius led Harry into a department store. He knew he was probably more eager about this than Harry was but that didn't bother him. What kind of 13 year old wants to go clothes shopping anyway?

Although he didn't let Sirius know, Harry was very excited about the shopping trip. He had never owned any clothes of his own besides school robes. The clothes he was wearing now had been Dudley's but Dudley hadn't fit into them since he was 10.

Sirius led Harry into the boy's clothing department.

" This is the lad's clothes. Pick anything out and let me know if you want to go sometime else. "

Harry nodded and shyly moved towards the shirt rack. He picked out a black t-shirt with long sleeves and a navy blue sweatshirt.

He shyly moved towards Sirius and handed him the clothes.
"Oi, it's gonna be hot. You sure you want long sleeves? And you need way more clothes than that."

"Okay, I'll get a few short sleeve shirts." He replied.

"I'll help you pick if you want." He said back to Harry

" Yes please." Harry mumbled.

Sirius spent the next ten minutes filling the cart with every shirt Harry even glanced at.

They moved onto trousers and he helped Harry a little less this time.

He let Harry take his own pick when they reached underwear, socks, shoes, and pajamas.

When they were finally done Harry had 2 carts full of clothes and shoes.

"Thank you so much but you really didn't have to do this, Sirius."

"You needed clothes that actually fit, and besides I have 12 years of spoiling to make up for, pup."

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now