More Conversations

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So this story takes place during and after Harry's third year Sirius was freed after being caught and given a trial. The whole thing in the shrieking shack never occurred so Harry doesn't know Moony's secret.

Sirius could hear soft breathing coming from Harry's room. He knew the boy was asleep but he was still anxious that he might have a bad dream or something.

He heard the floo roar. He hurried down the stairs and hoped it was who he thought.

Fortunately, it was. Only Dumbledore, Remus, McGonagall and Snape could floo into the house without the wards alerting him but that didn't stop him from being surprised.

Remus stepped out of the fire place. He gave Sirius a quick hug before sitting himself on the couch.

"So I assume you're wondering what Harry told me." Sirius asked with a smirk.

Remus mumbled out a yes and bit his lip nervously.

"Look Moony it doesn't hurt to acknowledge that you care about him." Sirius replied

"I'm sure he knows I care about him but I can't let him know that I want to be part of his life."

"Explain why again, Moony" Sirius said rolling his eyes.

"Well as much as I want to be part of his life, I know he's a smart kid and he'll figure it out eventually and I don't wanna endanger him." Remus said

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Endangering him? Good try. You're afraid of rejection. You and I both know the wolfsbane keeps you from hurting anyone. "

Remus didn't say anything but shrugged.

Sirius knew it was true though. Remus had only started receiving wolfsbane after Lily and James' death. He had been a paranoid mess before that.


Lily and James wanted to go out and celebrate their anniversary. They wanted to go on a 2-day trip to France but someone had to watch their 10 month old.

"Sirius, as much as you love Harry, we all know you're not gonna remember that he needs formula and not firewhiskey. You can watch him but Remus has to help you." James and Lily had said.

It had only been a week until they left for vacation but Sirius really wanted to watch Harry but he had a hard time convincing Remus to help out. The amber eyed man had finally agreed.

The first day went relatively well. The three of them stayed at Black Manor where Sirius had an entire room set up for his spoiled little godson. Sirius had been talking and playing with Harry as Remus sat in the opposite side of the sitting room, pretending to read a book. As much as Remus wanted to hold Harry and play with him, he couldn't. He was scared of becoming a werewolf suddenly and scarring the toddler.

He cooked dinner for the three of them that night while Sirius fed Harry. Sirius changed his nappies and put the toddler to sleep. After Harry was snoring softly in his room, Sirius walked out of his room and declared he had to zip out somewhere and he would be back within the hour.

Remus had begged him not to go. He was terrified of what would happen if
the child woke up. He paced softly in Harry's room. Hoping that he stayed asleep and that he would spot Sirius out the window. Suddenly, his worst fear came to life.

The toddler cried out. Remus started breathing heavily but approached the crib. He hesitantly picked up the crying toddler and walked downstairs with him. He didn't know why the boy was crying but then again, he didn't check his nappy or make sure he wasn't hungry either. He didn't comfort Harry or anything.

He just stared at the bundle in his arms. Finally, he got up the courage to do something to stop the crying and sat down in an armchair with the fussy baby. He accioed a book. Not a baby book. Just a regular muggle novel about some kid who pretended he didn't exist.

He read it softly, whispering the nonsense words to Harry. It wasn't until he was about a chapter done with the book that Harry fell asleep. He knew the toddler was asleep but he kept reading. Before he knew it, he was asleep too. So asleep that he didn't hear the sound of footsteps approach and the click of a camera.

End of flashback:

Sirius pulled the picture out of the sitting room bookshelf and once again presented it to Remus.

Remus groaned. He remembered the tramatic experience quite well and didn't need reminders.

Sirius rolled his eyes and grinned. He had seen the cutest sight of his life that night. His adorable godson and his adorable friend cuddled up. He shook the thought from his head. He never thought of Remus as more than a brotherly best friend. Or did he?

"Look, Remy, you did just fine that night with a toddler and you're sitting here telling me you can't do the same with a 13 year old. "

Remus didn't say anything but looked away.

He finally spoke after a minute. "Honestly, that picture is what I wished my entire relationship with Harry had been."

Sirius nodded and replied," The past is over, for now, you still have to time to build that relationship with him."

Remus nodded, "I guess so.."

"Well, I guess you are probably wondering what he said to me. Let's just say it's more than what's littering his arms and back. " Sirius said seriously (pun intended)

"Yeah, I figured his relatives said hateful things. " Remus said, a hint of sarcasm tracing his voice.

"That's not what I meant." Sirius said, a lump forming in his throat.

"Oh." Remus whispered softly.

It only took a second after he said that when Sirius's word's hit him like a bullet.

He shot up and looked Sirius straight in the eye. "you don't mean..." He questioned.

"Yeah.." Sirius said looking away.

"Well, what are you gonna do now?" Remus asked.

"We are going to support Harry and go strangle those bloody Dursleys." Sirius responded.

Remus hesitated but nodded and pulled Sirius into a warm hug.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they pulled apart.

"It's kinda late. Harry's gonna need support tomorrow since I need to talk to him. Do you mind crashing in the one of the guestrooms tonight?" Sirius asked.

Remus shrugged but unbuttoned his cloak and started heading up stairs.

Once they were both upstairs, Sirius went to his room for a second and returned before tossing something at Remus.

"Here, your forgot these when we were watching Harry that night 12 years ago. I washed them recently."

Remus opened the bag and found a pair black cotton night trousers and a gray t-shirt that read, "I'm the best friend of the World's Best Godfather."

Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius smirked and he headed into his room for the night.

A/N This story will be eventual Wolfstar so I need ideas on how they may come to the realization that they are absolutely perfect for each other. If you leave a comment I may consider your idea so please let me know what you'd like to see next.

It's Not What It Looks Like- Sirius x Harry x Lupin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now