9 :Team Up

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Hola amigos, How are you guys? I hope y'all are having good time. Here's a new update.

As usual it's not edited so read it on your own risk.

I hope you enjoy!

Pardon my mistakes.


"Oemgeeee!!! It's selection week! I'm soooo excited you guys" Kristi said jumping up and down like a 5 year old receiving balloons.

"Okay kris, you can relax now. You've scored everyone's attention in cafeteria. I'm sure they are thoroughly informed about selection week thanks to your amazing rant." I said smiling at her sarcastically.

She just waved her hand in dismissal and ignored me. She sat down beside me; still bubbling with enthusiasm.

"Why are you excited anyway? What's the big deal?" I asked taking a bite of my delicious turkey sandwich; which was a severe mistake because Kris turned around to look at me. She stared at me for a good minute before reacting.

"You've got to be kidding me? What's the big deal?" She basically screamed in my ear.

I blinked at her a couple of times indicating that she's going beyond her quota of craziness and girlishness. She definitely got the message so she backed down and cleared her throat.

"Of course, how would you know? You guys are new here" she said looking at me and then terry finally acknowledging the fact that he was with us.

He just gave me a secret grin telling me that he's enjoying the show. From what I've observed these 2 don't get along. They don't fight but they aren't exactly each other's fans.

"Mooooving forward. See the benefit of being in a private school and a junior is that we get to select the extracurricular activities and clubs of our choice. We need to select at least one extracurricular activity and one club to join this year. You can join more than one club though" She said completely star struck.

"Isn't this a bit over the top? I mean what about the students who aren't all that social?" I asked.

"It's not what you think. There is literally a club for everyone like dance, debate, science, PR, chess and 15 more such options. About the activities they include the sports teams, cheerleading and all such teams which compete and for those who don't belong there just take up administration. I mean the student council and its sub divisions. It's a private school for elite crowd; you can't expect anything less than this? All these students need to get into Ivy League colleges ya know" She said shrugging and finally eating her lunch.

I thought about the system and it made sense. It was actually very good for students. It would keep them busy and would look good on their college applications.

"Well I know what I'm going to join so I have no worries." Terry said joining our conversations for the first time.

"And what would that be Terrence dear?" I said with extra sweetness.

"No need for mockery Ms. Macbeth and I would be giving the football team the pleasure of my company this year." He said grinning.

"Could you get any more narcissistic?" I asked.

"You know you love it" He said winking at me. I made a face of disgust at that.

"Oh, right I forgot it's not me you love it's my brother. Am I right? Or Am I right?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Excuse me? His brother? What is going on here?" Kris asked in a screeching voice.

"Oops! Did I forget to mention that her long lost stranger is my brother?" Terry said oh so innocently. I simply glared at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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