6. Have I seen you before?

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Hey guys so here's a new update. Hope you like it. 

Please read the Author's note in the end it's kind of important. Thank you!


He just chuckled and put some distance between us.

“You’re just too adorable Tris” He said sitting back on the chair.

“ha ha” I said in a deadpan. I don’t know what people find so amusing in my embarrassment.

I mean one minute he was close to me and here I am flushing like a freaking tomato who doesn’t know how to breathe.

“Oh c’mon it’s funny” He said trying to contain his laughter.

“Whatever I’m hungry so I’m leaving you can laugh all you want now” I said mocking his tone.

“Now don’t be like that, I apologize my behavior was ridiculous, now shall we eat?” He said sincerely.

Now who wouldn’t melt at his rich British accent?

I gave in and smiled back as we made our way to the huge dining room. These people certainly knew how to spend their money right.

I was seated beside my brother while Daniel sat opposite to be beside his sister. The table was already set with amazing dishes that made my mouth water instantly.

Everyone said grace and began eating. There was some talk going on but I couldn’t concentrate with the delicious food in front me. I ate like I haven’t eaten in days. Luckily no one noticed my eagerness.

What! I’m a growing girl I need food.

“Tris?” Someone called.

I looked up from my food to see Paul’s questioning gaze. I looked at him sheepishly and he understood how much I loved the food and shook his head playfully.

“Would you like to tell Ronald and Daisy about your likings in your new school?” Paul said signaling me to pay attention to conversation.

“Uh.. Sure it’s a lot different from my hometown. But it’s nice here; Most of my syllabus was covered last year so I have no trouble coping with the studies at least. The more difficult part is adapting I guess, everything is so very… Fast?” I said unsurely.

Everyone just chuckled as if I said something hilarious.

“I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon enough honey” Daisy said in a warm tone which I very much loved.

“Thank you” I said jumping back to my food.

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly I made sure I paid some attention to conversion instead of just gobbling down my food.

Finally everyone retired at night, as we were saying goodbyes Daniel asked if I wanted a ride with him.

I was hesitant at first but I knew Rish ditches me anytime so it was my best shot at reaching there on time. So I happily accepted his offer.

Little did I know that it would cause any more trouble!


The next day I hitched ride with Daniel who looked handsome as ever. We talked about a lot of things. I was actually glad he was my friend. Even if I sort of made friends it was difficult to actually be in ease with them.

I did call Lea and Ria but we were all busy in our schedule to converse for long.Talking to Daniel came naturally there was no awkwardness or hesitation. But I knew that all he could be was a really good friend. Thinking of him as anything else wasn’t possible.But who’d explain that to the bitch queen of the school.When I got out of car apparently one of her friends saw it and reported it to her. So she was hell bent on making my life miserable.So that is how I spent my morning listening to different rumors about me like how I was a slut who slept with everyone at my old school or how I was an arrongant bitch.It was a good thing I didn’t give a crap of what these people thought of me. I was extremely cool about it almost worried everyone around me.

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