2.Airplane Trouble

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Hey guys, how's everyone doing?

Here's an update.

Have fun.


I reached airport soon enough. Our flight was delayed by 30 minutes meanwhile my brother found a chick to flirt for time being, I picked up twilight (which I was reading from 4 days now) and started reading from where I left it. although the story was mere romance and utter rubbishness I still liked it. The idea that maybe some guy can actually love a girl so much was liked by me. Doesn't't mean I didn't think it was all a big pile of crap. But sometimes we do things even if we think they're futile.

 But I mean they don't make good guys anymore.. we only find lying cheating jerks now-a-days! Like I care though, love was never my kinda thing I've always been a bit insensitive or we can say nonchalant about it.

Soon my train of thoughts led me to Romeo and Juliet's love story when I realized that my 30 mins were over and it was time for my fight. That's a reason why I don't bother thinking while reading because I do everything else except reading then.

I had to find my brother and then drag  him away from the girl who he was flirting with.

Yeah, he was pretty boy, you can say and alsoevrrything that is wrong with teenage boys these days. I love him to death but he was an a*s.

He had that boyish charm with the blue eyes, messy brown hair and over all good physique and not to forget his charms. Almost any girl could fall for him! But he was difficult to handle sometimes especially my mother was around.

My mom and Paul were already walking towards the door of entrance for the buses to take us near the plane so I hurried behind'em dragging my brother on one side.

While hurrying my top got stuck in a hook like thingy near the gate so it tore off a little. But the worst part Rish had to see it and have a chance to open his mouth and say smart ass comment.

 "Don't you think scientists should invent something like non- tearable clothes so that people like you don't have to worry?" He said grinning

I slightly hit him on the head and said, "Please, Rish do not bother the scientists they're busy searching a cure for your idiocracy. " I said Sassily.

"Oh! thank you dearest sister for the divine compliment but for now, can we move?" He said grumbling.

I stuck my tongue out and started moving forward. As we reached I realized my seat wasn't anywhere near Rish or mom. 

Although, it was business class (Paul was loaded if you didn't realise) but my seat was in a corner and Rish's seat in 'nother corner. I hated airplanes they make me nauseous and I get scared of heights at times. I really wish if rish's seat was near me but it wasn't. This ride was gonna be awful!

"Heyy, are you going to be fine?"Rish asked with concern.

"Yeah, I guess so.. maybe. I'll handle it." I said with tensed look

"Don't worry, don't think about the plane think about something like the book you are reading or the new place. You'll be just fine. Okay?"

"Yeah. It'll be fine ." I said. Then he went behind giving a little squeeze to m hand and with concern in his eyes. I sat on my seat and buckled up ASAP.

Sometimes, I wonder if me and my brother were actually related we were so different.   
I was the weird one who gets scared of silly things like heights and ghosts and was difficult to talk to. Whereas he was the social one, the protective one, free to talk and  sometimes responsible (when needed or else a douche) person.

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