8: Awkward encounters

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Hola everyone! How are you'll? Well ik the answer is angry and i'm sorry for disappearing. Sorry because this isn't the best of the updates either, also it's not proof read. but yeah, here's an update I hope you like it.

Pardon my mistakes


It was almost 2 weeks that I started going school. Everything was pretty normal and in routine. I would get up late each day miss my ride with Rish and then start running but Daniel would always be my savior and give me a lift.

I would end up running in the hallways to reach my homeroom where Ms. Cougar (Our English lit. teacher Ms. Lily who is a cougar or so we think) would always scold me because I’m cutting too close to the bell.

I just ignore her and sit at my usual place beside Terry.

Terry and I have become best of buds, of course Kristi is also one of our closest but Terry is a different case all together.

We’d attend all our lectures and then Kristi would come over at my place and hang out.

This is what my everyday routine was like but when the lazy Saturday’s kick in it’s my turn to get kicked out of the bed when I laze around till noon.

What surprised me about this Saturday was that it wasn’t my bratty little brother who was screaming at the top of his lungs for me to get up but it was my best friend.

“Get up, you sloth” Terry screamed.

“Hey!! I’m not a sloth” I mumbled in the most intimidating voice I could.

“Oh yeah, you’re worse than him, now get your bum out of the bed we are going out” He said in a ‘little’ softer voice.

“Aww why today it is sleepturday” I grumbled getting up.

“Tris? Do you always look this ugly when you get up?” Terry asked trying his best to control his laughter.

“Oh shoo Terry shoo, go away I’m gorgeous no matter what state I’m in! You’re simply blind if you can’t accept that” I said with a sardonic smile.

“Okay that’s my cue to get out and avoid the entire BS you’ll say further.” He said irately.

“Good call bro.” Rish screamed from his room. That eavesdropping moron!

“Rish would want to have children in the future?” I asked in a chilled voiced.

“Got it, I’m quiet!” He said in a shivery voice.

“Good boy! Now, you get out I need to change and all” I told Terry pointing towards the door.

“Yeah, yeah, I'm going; no more than 15 mins though or I’ll barge in” He said in a suggestive tone.

“Get out you perve!” I said sniggering.

Finally after 10 more minutes of argument Terry finally got out of my room. Then another half an hour and some more fights later we got out of the house. I wore my casual shorts and tee while Terry was in his usual stylish look.

God! Sometimes I think he’s more of a girl than I am.

“Ughh why are you dragging me to central park this early in the morning” I grumbled as we walked.

“Tris, darling it’s 11:30 am and it’s definitely not early.” He deadpanned.

“It is early for me.” I complained.

“4 pm would also be early for you, you lazy bumm” He said snickering.

“Look at my face, do you see me giving any f*cks?” I said calmly.

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