1: Last Memories

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Hey there everyone, I wasn't planing on posting this book, it was written by me when I was 14-15, but here I am posting it anyway, the only reason I started writing was because of my best friend's insistence and I'm more than thankful for that.

There are many and I mean it many mistakes there, it's going to take a while to edit it.

I sincerely hope you will give it a chance.

Pardon my mistakes.                                             


 I couldn't believe myself. Tomorrow is the day I'll leave sll this behind. I'm moving away, like really going away; it was just talk before so the concept of leaving home seemed....unreal. Except now all our bags are packed and the furniture is sent off.

I stood idly in front of my mirror. It was one of the few things that were left behind because we didn't need it.

I saw a raven haired girl staring back at me. My bright hazel eyes had lost their shine; they were dull and swollen from crying. The usual glow that I possessed wasn't there. I felt like starting at a stranger. I imagined a small version of myself running behind Rish, laughing as we fought.

That memory shattered away, I sighed in resignation. There wasn't anything I could do. Maybe this was for the best after all..

            I walked up to my porch and sat on my patio gazing at the garden which I planted with so much love.

           River valley was my home for the past 17 years of my existence. It is the only place I know that I could call home. There are memories everywhere, and it's hard to leave them all behind. I was leaving my school in my senior year which simply sucked because this was the last year and I wasn't going to be with my friends.

It wasn't the same for my younger brother Rish, he was a sophomore and our new school had an excellent football program so he would squeeze right it.

  Paul would have stayed another year till I graduated but there was something fishy with his company, someone was messing with the shares so he just had to move, his head quarters being in Nevica. I really didn't want him to get in trouble, so, I made myself understand as to why I must move. Not saying it's easy but its not that difficult when you think about how much it will help your family.

Paul is my step dad, he married mom about 3 years ago. I liked him, he was kind and understanding. He never forced things. I can't say the same about mom. She liked things her way, in her style and in her accordance.

No matter how good he is, I would always miss my dad. No one can replace him. My dad passed away a couple of years ago due to cancer. He was the one who built this house. From the porch to the bedrooms, he was a good man. I miss him and it scares me that moving means forgetting him and leaving his memories here. I don't want to move on, I don't want to leave him behind.

Just like that the tears were back and I spent the rest of my evening weeping in his memory.   


     It was Sunday morning when we decided to leave River valley. Our flight was scheduled around noon and while it was merely 9am now, we needed to be on the move. The nearest airport was in the city which is about an hour and half from here.

 The last thing that I wanted to do before I left was spend some time with my Aunt Sheryl's house. She opened the door after a minute, but all the while my heart was pumping inside my chest. There was a dull ache in there in anticipation of seeing her. My aunt was the closest thing I had to a mother figure. My mom was still alive, but my Aunt was the one who raised me.

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