7: Liberty to New York

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Heyy guys! How are you? I'm sorry I didn't updatefor such a long time. I've been so focused onthe other story that I ignored this one, which is very very bad of me. So this one's for all you lovelies! 

Ignore the mistakes. Enjoy! ;)


It took a good amount of time that I actually started feeling comfortable with everyone. Kristi and Terry were the only ones I managed to get along with, not that I couldn’t get along with the group but I just found home with them. They were my best friends and I was extremely glad I met them even if both of them were basket cases.

On the subject of Baskets; I was extremely pissed off that our glorious school had no team for girls.

Back in sunshine valley I was the captain of our basketball team. I loved the game with my heart and soul so you can understand when I heard that there was no way I could play in this school well there was a way which was to get enough girls to join the team.

Let me enlighten you on how exactly the crowd here was, see most girls just wore super slutty clothes or at least the whole hipster look, or there were a lot of average Jane but they had absolutely no interest in extracurricular activities. They just hung around with each other and bitched about the others while desperately seeking the boys’ attention.

So getting to create an entire team was not really an option for me.

The second thing that pissed me of was that it’s been a week and yet I couldn’t forget the stranger, generally I don’t remember anyone but something about his eyes haunted my thoughts every time.

It’s annoying really, how can anyone have an effect so strong just by talking to you for merely 5 minutes!

Outrageous thing really!

My anger was distracted by the knock on the door. I lazily walked up to the door only to find Kristi beaming at me.

“Heyyo my newest bff what’s up?” she said walking in like she owned the place. I didn’t mind I just chuckled at how comfortable we were with each other, like we’ve known each other for ages!

“I was just thinking about… uhmm.. about.. how stupid it is of lady gaga to uh.. “ I tried to come up with a good excuse to avoid the topic of mysterious blue eyes, I told Kristi about him and she hasn’t shut up about it ever since.

“Thinking about the hottie again I see...Tris you’ve got to let it go if there’s no way to find him, it’ll just frustrate you more” She said flipping through the magazines nearby. I let out a sigh of defeat, if only it were as easy as it appeared to be!

“Say what, we both go on a bff date! I know you haven’t been anywhere in New York so I’ll treat you to the famous spots” She said wriggling her eyebrows in a funny way.

A laugh escaped my lips seeing her act all goofy. Who would turn down this ball of goof?

“Excellent idea miss, I see you brain works brilliantly at times! “ I said dramatically laughter still evident in my tone.

“tis’ my pleasure to cheer thou up milady” She said trying to imitate deep gentlemanly voice.

“You’re such a drama queen, I’ll be 5 minutes and then we can leave” I said walking in my room.

I quickly dressed up in some casuals; I couldn’t contain my excitement, the aspect of seeing a new place always made me happy.

“Come on let’s go lazy ass” I announced coming back to the living room.

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