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Hey guys here's new update, enjoy! Pardon my spelling errors and typos.


Our conversion went on long. He was very fun to talk to and also very understanding. It was way too late by now.

"I guess I should leave it's been hours and well I’m tired after such a day." I said

"Yes, of course you have even more tiring days ahead, get some rest.” he said with his warm smile.

 Just as I got up and started to leave the lights went off and I stumbled onto something and was about to fall when Daniel caught me. Well I guess I wasn't so light in weight so both of us fell down. I could feel Daniel’s hand locked around my waist and arm as I rested above him. I couldn’t see a thing except his eyes, they kind of glowed and that's all I could concentrate on. He had liquid brown eyes. The lights were back on in a minute.

“Hey are you alright?" he asked as I was still, very still. He waved his hand in front of my eyes just to bring me back to world.

"Ughh... yeah I'm fine." I said with a sheepish smile followed by series of laughter. Both of us started laughing like maniac on the floor.

 He got up after we settled and offered his hand to help me get up.

"Don’t you trip again your house is hardly any footsteps away. Since I wouldn’t be there to rescue Miss. Damsel in distress.” he said with a wink. I was quite embarrassed at my clumsiness but I managed to croak out “I don’t need a knight in shining armor I managed fine for 17 years thank you.” I said rather proudly and left him only after sticking my tongue out.

         I was in my room and I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I haven’t had a long chat with anyone in a long time it actually felt good to be able to talk with someone especially when we are at a new place it feels impossible to be welcomed but it wasn’t my case my first day here and I already had 2 friends made who seem pretty good! I must be a lucky bitch!

   I was still scared as hell, though. I couldn't forget the flashes of my past. I just wanted them out of my head. Thinking about it made me dizzy of a sudden. I searched for my pills in my purse but couldn't find them that made me even more mad.

"Looking for these?" Rish asked standing near the door holding the box of pills in his hand.

"Give it back" I almost hissed at him.

"No the doctor says you got to avoid them they aren't good for you anymore, even I have those memories just deal with it. I’ll get some lemonade you try to relax. Be right back" he said and left.

 I always hates when he bosses around me but he cares way too much to be stopped. He came back with a glass of lemonade as it helped me with the migraines but the minor hallucinations just won't stop with it was something I knew.

"I know the hallucinations are scary but it will go away once you stop thinking about it. Please I beg you to not take them" he pointed the pills “just sleep"

"Alright" I said. He caressed my hair and left I told him to keep lights on. Darkness scares the hell out of me. The night past very scary but I managed to get some sleep anyway...


It was a Sunday so the morning was very lazy. Both of woke p late and almost got ready by noon. Our brunch was waffles and strawberries and maple and chocolate syrup. Rish was watching while the bell rang.

"Could you get that?" I shouted but my brother doesn't seem to get English or human voices anymore. When I got to the door I saw a girl with a basket.

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