3.Bare Beginnings

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Hey sorry for late update! I hope you guys enjoy it. Pardon the spelling errors and typos.

*Not edited*


It took us an awful lot of time to find our house but we finally did make it! we entered the huge area and what do I say? It's not that bad of a place. In fact it was quite pleasantly wonderful. I mean they were huge buildings which might have like 20-30 floors maybe! and it had everything one could dream of.

We were roaming here and there wondering which building was ours I luckily remember flatmate number and the floor. As we idly walked around gazing around like a bunch of tourists we saw many things that were available for Imus like a basketball court, a swimming pool, a club, a huge garden with playground for kids. while I was wondering around getting to know our residence, Rish had started flirting with a random girl. Boys will be boys after all. I sighed and walked further towards the basketball court.

I was just near the basketball court when a ball hit my head! (ouch!) I turned around to see some guys there asking me to throw back the ball. I picked it up and went near them. A guy was turned back cheering that they scored or something. Quite frankly none of the bumbling idiots seemed capable of scoring.

"Hey you, can't you see where you throw the ball. Don't you know how to play?"

He turned around and glared at me for saying that. All his mates burst out laughing which made him furious.

"Hey look, I'm sorry it hit you but don't you cross your limits. Of course we know how to play, we are not a bunch of girls! " He said in a way that made girls seem like an abuse.

"Really? You want to be the sexist a$$#ole? You were born to a woman if you remember so think twice before you say crap about girls. And whatever gave you the idea that girls can't play? This isn't the 60s babe." I said the last word mockingly with a smirk on my face and crossing my hands with confidence.

"It's east to talk the talk but can you walk the walk? " He said with an eye roll.

"Well, how about I demonstrate it to you?" I said with the same smirk.

"Bring it on. Lets see what you got?" He said menacingly, taking the ball from my hand.

Not to be cocky but I wasn't the least bit worried. I saw them earlier and I observed that they were still amateur. While I might not be some expert but I was the captain for girl basketball team for 3 years. It's hëlluva expirience!

I spotted Rish walking in behind me and I pointed him towards the bags. Then I walked towards the court.
I removed the jacket since I was wearing a T-back inside and I already had my white shorts on. I snorted as some of them ogled.

The match was between the two of us. He was giving death glares as his little ego was hurt in all this process.

"Can we play now or do you plan to glare your way out?" I asked in anoyance.

"Lets play." He growled and started dribbling.

He was the first one to score a basket which ultimately boosted his male ego.

" Wanna give up, dawling?" he mocked my slightly southern accent. I simply ignored him.

"Game is not yet over " I said before snatched the ball from him. I played just like how I would in all my matches. A little bit of tactic and planning with a dash of your talent and boom you win. And so I scored the easiest 3 baskets soon after taking the ball.

"Who wants to quit now?" I said he didn't say anything

It was match for 5 points. He took the ball again but couldn't score. I took the ball from him and scored again. he took 'nother shot but the final basket was done by me.

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