chilly ርዘልየፕቿዪ '1'

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*alarm clocks goes off*

"Ughh" I groaned as I turned off the stupid ass alarm clock.

-Tomorrow is the last day of school-
I thought to myself.

It was pure darkness in my room besides the curtain being open letting in all the cool air.

The sun hasn't came up yet so it's still early.

"Indi get up. Time for school we ain't got all day now" my mother said as she bust through my room

I could smell the breakfast she was cooking. And the sweet aroma of the morning coffee.

"And what I tell you about this window it's chilly as hell up in here. Gonna freeze to death" she said as she shut my window.

"Mommmmmmm" I whined as I turned towards her.

"I'm serious , the air is slipping under the door , it's making the house cold. If you gonna have the window open put something under the door so the air doesn't come out" she said as she walked out and closed my door.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
I turned on my phone and was instantly blinded. I was up all night finishing home work so my brightness was up high.

After a few minutes of laying in complete silence I decided to get up and take a hot shower.

I even washed my hair.

After I was done I threw on some new pajamas and headed downstairs.

"Morning" my little brother Anthony said
"Morning" I responded sleepily

I sat at the table waiting for mom to give us our food.

Meanwhile I was checking my phone and a notification popped up saying "another death of a teenager from mahcali highschool"

That's my school btw.

"Damn" I thought in my head.

I then started to read my texts.

Especially the group chat.

My lovely's gc :

"DaOnni 👁👄👁"::
Yea that was that senior they said she was torn apart and stuff. Idk but it's all over my Snapchat. They said her body was found washed up along mahcali river

"Kay Kay🥰" :
Mines too and they listed it as an animal attack again. But that's her dumbass fault. Tryna be popular and cool knowing damnwell that forest says "do not enter" it's in BIG RED BOLDED LETTERS. how can you possibly miss it.

"Dai Dumbass 😂💕" :
I mean yea you're right. That's the 19th one this year like when are people gonna learn not to go there. Aint shit there but wild animals and a waterfall/cliff , people are slow honestly but rip I guess.

Me : morning yall. 💘
They all said good morning back and we started talking about something else.

My mom served the food and I started to eat.

After I was done I begin to get dressed.

This was my simple ass outfit with a hoodie because it's gonna be cloudy and chilly today.

I met up with daonni and kaykay on the school bus we're all juniors by the way

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I met up with daonni and kaykay on the school bus we're all juniors by the way

(Time skip)

School was pretty chill and comfy.

Other students and I watched movies in 3 of my periods and chilled the rest of the school day.

Daonni, kk, and I decided to walk since the bus was filled ..

"Okay I know this might sound weird but do you guys believe in folklore?" I said

"What do you mean" daonni asked

"You know like werewolves , vampires mythical creatures I guess?" I said as I shrugged my shoulders

"Vampires no werewolves no. It's not a lot of information on them" he responded

"True" I mumbled

"Why?" He asked curiously. He sounded a little weird like it was a touchy subject for him.. maybe that's just me

"Because I'm starting to think forgive me if I sound crazy but I'm starting to think that these animal attacks aren't just animal attacks anymore or they never was" I said.

"What are you getting at?" Kk asked

"Well honestly that's what they always blame it on in the movies , animal attack animal attack animal attack blah blah blah. But it always ends up being a vampire or werewolf who caused it".

"You're right but the thing is , it's just a movie it's not real. People make that stuff up to get in your head , that's why it's called folklore. It's passed down from generation to generation. People add stuff on , they get creative with their little human minds" kk said.

"Yea you're right ... I sound stupid" I laughed. But deep down I still thought it was real and the answers are out there somewhere.

We all split up and went our separate ways but today instead of going straight home I took a different route.

It was peaceful until I passed by this strange looking house

I kept walking though , I could tell it was empty or at least I thought it was

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I kept walking though , I could tell it was empty or at least I thought it was.

I got home about 20 minutes after passing that house.

I laid down in my bed and took a long ass nap.


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